the truth of friends *on hold*

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I tried fixing it all but couldn't on my iPod so the name is jessica andits hot cup cake not hot progress and not robert it's Blake! :.)

.....................**********************************************************************************************************As i went in to school i was walking to my locker and of course no one notices me even though i am new but then again its the first of December and 2 days till my birthday. As i thought back to a few years ago I moved to South FLorida with my mom and only my mom cause my dad died when i was eleven years old from a heart failer it was sad. and my mom of course had to leave florida she wanted to start her own shop and thats where i am now but it was also in the begining of my freshman year of high school so i begged my mother to have me homeschooled. and i was for 3 years but also in my freshman year she met a guy of her dreams Jacob. SHe fell in love with him (he is rich like multytrilloniare) he thought my mom should marry him and indeed he did. i do like him but he broke my mom and my promise and said in my senor year i shoud go to high school. I said i would if he would send me to a boarding school in England so i coould be close to my family. He sais fine and thats where i am now in a boarding school in England.

When i opened my locker i saw the school doors open and i knew what was coming it was the group of girls that were surrounding Drew he was the hottest guy in the high school but i didnt like him and he was in everyclass i am in even lunch he keeps on trying to talk to me but i just say not talking to u, hot cup cake. In the end of the school day i went to my room i had all to my self as soon as i went in i went to go take a shower and get out of my dirty uniform (yes i do have to wear a uniform) and get in to my holister shirt and shorts. I decided i wanted to go shopping with my cousin.

When my cousin Amber and i got to the mall.we decided to go to hollister.

"I will buy everything You know Jocab wont mind he loves me as a stepdaughter."Isaid to Amber.

"ok but i am buying lunch"AMber stated i tried to argue but i lost.

"try on this this and this,"i said.when she went to try on the clothes, i decided i should look to for clothes i went to search from the front to the back. i found like ten things i wanted when i was about to go try it on i looked to the front and of course saw Drew walk in with his girlfreind Maryanne i saw that i couldnt go try on the clothes with out him seeing me with my orange hair i decided to hide behind clothes racks.

"Jessica is that you"Drew asked.

"how did you spot me hot Cup cake oh right my hair of course.""Jessica can you zipe my dress" AMber called from the dressing room

"sure be there in a minute,"i screamed"brb"I went back to Drew to talk but he wasnt there then i went to go try on my clothes as i turned sround he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of the shop took me to a emergancy exit.

"why did you do that" i asked

"i need to tell you something"

" what would that be"

"why do you hate my living guts"

"when did i ever say that"i said with a evil smirk

"you dont have to say it you show it"

"what do you want a medal"i said sassy he chuckled

"no but i do want something else"

"shucks fo you then"i said in a funny voice.

"you know that makes me like you even more" as he said that he put his hand next to my head as he lend in i slapped his face that hurt and i ran as fast as i could to go to hollister but he beat me to the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2011 ⏰

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