Chapter 1 -- The Runaway Boy

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"Colby! Get back here this instant!" I heard my father shout from the doorway. His angry voice was muffled by the loud pats of my shoes on the sidewalk and the pounding rain.

My hot tear stung my eyes and I ran away from my home. It was hardly home to me though. It was where my parents fought with each other and yelled at me. Everything I did was wrong in their eyes. Tonight was different though. Tonight they had found out that I was gay. This time they decided to go from verbal abuse to physical. My arm and cheek were throbbing from where I was struck. I didn't know where I was running to, I just had to get away from that place.

Once I had sprinted may be at least 12 blocks away I collapsed on a lawn. I was tired and weak with exhaustion. It was 10 at night and I wasn't expecting anyone to come for me. My eyes were still burning with tears and my arm ached so badly I thought I'd lose it. That's when I saw a dim light shine outside and a voice call to me. I was too tired to get up but instead, I covered my head with my arms. The next thing I felt was a warm hand on my bareback.

I usually slept without a shirt on so this wasn't as out of the ordinary for me... I should have grabbed some warmer close before running outside. No shirt and shorts were not what people expected to see a 16-year-old boy wearing during a run at 10 pm in winter.

The hand rubbed my back gently then I heard the voice of a woman. "What are you going out here at this time of night?" she whispered.

I tensed. I didn't want to talk about that.

"Would you like to come inside? We can get you warmed up," she tried again in the same calm whisper.

At this point, my adrenaline was starting to fade and the cold was starting to get to me. What else was I supposed to do? I gave a small nod.

"Y-Yes, thank you," I managed to say with all my teeth chattering. I looked up to look at the woman.

She didn't acknowledge the tears in my eyes. She just smiled warmly and helped me to my feet. She led me inside to where I saw a younger woman and a boy about my age. They were playing some kind of game at the kitchen table.

The woman who brought me inside extended her hand to me and smiled, "Hello young man. I'm Mrs.Adams. Mind if I ask your name?"

I gulped, "I-I'm Colby. Colby Brooks," I replied.

"Nice to meet you, Colby!" Mrs.Adams smiled.

I nodded my head, "Same to you." I looked around the house a little and that's when I noticed a boy standing off to the side.

"Oh, perfect timing, Elias!" Mrs.Adams cheered, looking at the boy. "This is Colby. Colby, this is my son, Elias."

Elias smiled and waved shyly, "Hi."

"Hi..." I replied awkwardly.

That awkward silence didn't last for long thankfully because Mrs.Adams continued talking. "Honey, do you have any close that could fit Colby?"

"Possibly. I'd have to look. He might need to wear dad's," Elias replied, then looked at me. "Come on. Let's find you some close before you freeze," he smiled.

I nodded. I was cold even though the house was warm. Elias lead me to his room that was just down the hall.

"Make yourself at home. I'll see if I have any close that could fit you," he then chuckled. "What are you even? The star quarterback?"


I honestly have a rather good body build. I had been playing sports since middle school. It seemed the only way to make my dad proud of me. I enjoyed it. The worst part was when I slipped up and got yelled at.

I didn't think any of Elias's close would fit me, mostly because he was shorter and had a smaller build than me. He was actually kinda cute.

He looked at me in surprise then laughed, "I should have known!"

I gave a small smile and sat down in a huge beanbag in the corner of Elias's room.

It was quiet for a while until Elias broke it.

"Hey... mind it I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"I know it is none of my business... but what were you doing outside in the snow with practically nothing on?" he asked. There was concern in his voice and worry in his eyes.

I looked down at my hands. What was I supposed to say?

"You don't have to tell me," he put his hand on my shoulder.

I was about to open my mouth to tell him to mind his own business but I was interrupted by Elias.

"What happened to your arm!?" he asked panicked.

I bit my lip in hopes of not breaking down again. I looked up at him again. I opened my mouth again but closed it. Elias put his hand gently on my cheek.

"Hold on, I'll get something for that," he smiled and stood up but I quickly grabbed his arm.

"Don't tell anyone!" I snarled.

"I won't. You should," he replied. "I don't care who did that to you, Colby! No one should hurt you like that!"

I froze and let go of his arm. "S-Sorry."

"It's alright. Don't worry about it." he smiled and shrugged. "I'm going to ask if you can use some of my dad's close. I don't have anything that would fit you." Then he smiled and left the room.

I didn't know exactly what I was feeling right now. It was like my body was cold and my heart was warm. I had only just met Elias, but it felt like I knew him for years...

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