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It hurt too much to look back on those times, on all of the memories that were made. Yugi knew that he would soon leave; he knew all too well what would happen if he got too attached, but, honestly, none of his friends could blame him for crying harder than any of them that day.

Three years, and he didn't forget. Not once.

Yugi tried so hard to just feign ignorance; indulging himself in school, getting a job, and now, trying to get himself perfectly away from anything that reminded him of the former Pharaoh.

Everything was a reminder. Including himself.

Life was harder than what it used to be. Yugi never got bullied anymore, no-one even picked on him. Everyone that knew Yugi also knew that he had lost someone dear to him at this point, most people didn't know who, but his close group of friends knew. And they were the biggest reminder of all.

There were some things, though, that made life easier. Yugi did, in fact, get into a great place in the gaming industry. He managed fairly well, only living a few blocks down from his Grandpa in case of emergency. Yugi decided it would be best not to pester him anymore, but he still visited often. Yugi's Grandpa was the main person keeping him going.

The hard part of never forgetting was that he always did something. For Yugi, it was visiting his most precious place, the place that even his former self enjoyed; the museum.

His footsteps were heavy and his head was down as Yugi walked into the museum. It took a long time for him to even look at one of these places again. Despite his friends being the biggest reminder of all, the museum was the strongest.

Yugi solemnly looked up at the place; all of the exhibits that he remembered so well, they were still there, shining in the sunny light from the sky roof. Yugi can only remember when he first came here with his Yami, and how they were both very intrigued at every little thing.

It hurt, really, just actually looking at it. Everything was a blur - all those times meshed together in one big, balled up emotion. Yugi couldn't get any of those memories back, recreate their grace, and make them new. He could only blankly stare at the ones he had, mindlessly becoming numb with each moment.

And yet, he managed to walk to the place he wanted to get to. Deep within the Egyptian section of the museum (probably Yami's favourite place of all), slowly moving onwards, Yugi was making his way to some artefacts.

Of course, they were in cases, but he just...wanted to look at them again, and remind himself of what Yami would probably say. It made Yugi give a small smile of happiness, knowing that Yami would just ramble on. He even gave a small huff of laughter.

But it was short lived. Yugi soon sighed. Reminding himself of him was a hard thing to do, and yet, he still constantly did it. It was as if he just couldn't stop doing it, a mental tick, perhaps, continuously annoying him.

However Yugi wasn't annoyed, and this wasn't a mental tick; just a constant memory that never fades.

Yugi found himself stumbling upon the last object, a small piece of jewellery. It was beautiful, its design pure gold and the pattern worn and tired, but amazing nonetheless. He found himself staring at it, admiring its beauty.

Until he showed up in his mind.

I can't take this. Yugi thought, sighing deeply. All I've been thinking about for three years is Yami. I just wish he was here...Then I wouldn't keep thinking about him so negatively...he'd be with me, and...

Yugi shook his head, slowly backing up and away from the jewellery. He had to get away. He thought that reminding himself of this place would help him, but it didn't. It made things harder.

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