Chapter One

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"Hey! don't make jokes it's not my fault, I thought it was a stable job." you protested. 

"Well, you thought wrong. who thinks a café is a stable job anyway?" Emily said. 

"Well... I thought I was getting a promotion but it turned out to be a demotion so I just quit, I thought fuck it and quit! I wasn't about to  be a busboy and clear tables, I WORKED HARD TO GET OFF BUSSING TABLES EM! I WO-" 

"Umm.. Hey Y/n? People are staring okay? Calm down." she interrupted.

You've known Emily since high school, she was a senior when you were a freshman. A couple of sophomores cornered you in the hallway when she dived in for the save; all she did was look at them and do that cocky, yet kinda hot, eyebrow raise and they sped off. She checked on you every day since and just took a liking to you. She was like a surrogate big sister who looked out for you even after she went to college.

"So what are you gonna do? I know your rent is kinda steep," she stated.

"I guess get a new job, I already sent out applications to a few places that seem stable."

She cocked an eyebrow at the word stable which, albeit, made you chuckle.

You and Emily sipped your coffees and made small talk until something clicked.

"HEY!" Your older friend shouted unexpectedly.

You jumped a little spilling coffee down your grey hoodie, "What?!" 

"You should come work with me!" She said seeming kind of excited.

"In the BAU? Em I don't thi-" you didn't even get the chance to finish the thought let alone the sentence.

"It would only be an apprenticeship, until you finish your major, which is in psychology right?" you didn't even get a chance to reply as she kept rambling on and on. "Ooh! Then you can come out in the field and help us solve crimes, if you pass you physical and gun testing that is. OMG! What if you really good? and you get two guns! I mean that wouldn't be fair as I've been on the team longer but I guess It cou-" 

You interrupted your rambling friend "EMILY?! GUNS? OUT IN THE F- FI- FIELD?" You started hyperventilating and shaking. Emily grabbed your hand from across the table and motioned breathing in and out with her free hand. you calmed yourself and steadied your breathing.

"Em, I'm still finishing my majors. I haven't even graduated yet!" you pointed out.

"I know that, it would just be a desk job until you graduate, helping Penelope, filing, little yet significant things. And hey, you don't HAVE to persue it if you don't want. It can just be a little job to help get by until your next quote on quote 'stable job'" she said giggling a little.


you both sat in silence for a minute until you answered, "I'll think about it."

"Yay!!" she cheered,  getting quite a few looks.

You enjoyed your coffees and decided it was time to head home, you kissed your friend and gave her a quick hug before trotting off to your apartment building.

You stumbled into your apartment and dropped your keys to the left and tote bag to the right, as you always did, then kicked your shoes off. You waddled to the kitchen and flung the fridge open, then closed it, then reopened it to double check. Yep. Full of food but nothing to eat so you grabbed a water and placed it on your forehead whilst walking to your bedroom. 

You dramatically flopped on the bed and thought to yourself 'could I be an FBI agent?' it'd be fun. The way Em goes on about them all and how many adventures they had together; it made it seem like a family. Family. Huh. I guess I could always give it a try? Its only an apprenticeship, and even if it wasn't for me its good money for a short term job. Okay! I'll do it.

You texted Emily  'Hey! I thought about it and decided I'll give it a try! Can you set up an interview? :)' 

She replied instantly with 'I already have, its tomorrow at 11am. Don't be late!'

Well, it appears she knows you better than you thought she did. You set an alarm for 8am and carried about your day. It was only 5pm so you had a good few hours to relax and plan your outfit.  

You didn't eat dinner out of nerves but instead made a cup of tea. You relaxed on the sofa and watched some tv, nothing particularly Interesting, then went to plan your outfit. What to wear? you decided on a white blouse and black pencil skirt with some plain heels.

You then flopped on the bed and went to sleep.



"SHIT SHIT SHITTY SHIT SHIT SHIT!!" You'd slept in. You leaped out of bed and flew across the room diving for the closet to grab your outfit. You buttoned up your shirt as quick as possible and threw a pair of trousers on in a last minute decision and some flats. you brushed your teeth and sped out of the apartment door at 10:45.

You sped down the street whilst doing your hair, thankful you lived 10-15 minutes away, before arriving at Quantico.

You stared at the doors of your potential workplace and took 3 deep breaths. 'you got it' you whispered to yourself before pushing the door. You shortly realised it was a pull door. But nonetheless took your first step in.

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