Sunny Side Up - Jane's Remains

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Some events however small can change your life forever – I had one of those events happening to me only a few months ago and since then everything has changed. I'm still not entirely sure if it had been for better or for worse but I know that everything had been a lot more confusing ever since I crossed paths with Eleanor Calder. 

It had been a late Saturday afternoon when I returned home after a seemingly endless, exhausting day at work. For hours I had dealt with tourists, struggled with a stubborn coffee machine (of which I was convinced hated me in particular) and got in trouble because I had run late again. Pulling my boots off my feet - I couldn't wait to fall into the arms of my boyfriend Ben and snuggle until we'd fall asleep. 

”I'm home!” I called as I let my keys drop on the counter in the hallway of our modern flat. Ben worked in the PR business. He was a successful man in his thirties, handsome, sharp and highly intelligent, which didn't make him too likable for other's. Once getting to know him closer though, his sweet and caring side shows. 

I found Ben in the living room. Sitting on the sofa in dead silence, his hands were folded in front of his face, his serious expression directed on me - only the clock above the fireplace sliced the silence with gradual ticking noises. 

It felt as though I had stepped right into a crime scene. Rooted to the spot I gazed back at him suspiciously.

Ben had still been wearing his well-tailored, navy coloured suit from work – only his black silk tie was draped next to him on the sofa. 

”What’s going on?” I asked standing awkwardly in the middle of the living room. 

“Claire, we need to talk“ Ben muttered. 

"About what?" I asked worriedly. 

"I- I just feel like I can't do this any longer" he replied reluctantly. 

“See - I told you to give up that job! If Kira was my boss I would go crazy too” I laughed naively but his expression hadn't changed. No little laugh, no smile, not even a half smirk.

Ben took a deep breath and then flashed his gorgeous grey eyes at me. 

”Claire - this relationship has no future. I believe it's the best if we part ways" he muttered. 

"Wait - where does this come from?" I asked calmly as I walked up to the sofa to sit down next to him. "I'm sure we can figure it out" My voice sounded more despicable than I had planned. Ben shook his head slightly and sighed. 

"I'm having an affair with another woman" Ben said eventually. His words echoed in my head as my jaw dropped slightly. 

”W-What?” I almost whispered – my voice cracking. 

I looked around sorting myself and trying my best not to cry. 

“Please tell me that’s just a mean joke“ I pleaded and crossed my arms in front of my chest. But when Ben didn’t say a word I realised, he told the truth. He was cheating on me. 

“It had been going on for a while“ he explained soberly. How could he possibly be so unaffected when my heart just broke into thousand pieces. 

“What do you mean – a while. How long has this been going?” I choked. 

“Does that make any difference-„ 

”How long – Ben!” I snapped as he stared at me and eventually gave up arguing. 

”Two months”

I threw my hands in the air in disbelief. 

”Great – absolutely great!” I shouted and looked back at him. “Who is she?” 

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