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SOME call it trouble in paradise. Some say it's a period past the honeymoon stage. But for Hoseok, it was like his worst nightmares were becoming true. Because to him, it seemed as if Mika was getting bored of their relationship.

It all started when she began to avoid seeing him. When had it all gone wrong, he didn't know. Did he make a mistake? Was he pressuring her too much? Or was it simply that she didn't fancy him anymore?

All these questions kept him awake until the early hours of the mornings. It became natural for him to welcome the enchanting sunrise with his turbulent thoughts. But when his mood began to reflect badly on his writing career, he decided that he needed to know what was going on.

At first, everything was perfect. In the first few months, they had been dating Hoseok felt like he was in the seventh heaven. Hot dates in the club, walking around the park, wild sex in nature, camping in the forest, you name it - they've already tried it. But suddenly, out of nowhere, Mika changed.

She began to avoid his calls and messages. Then when he finally got hold of her, she gave him lame excuses for her disappearances. Their dates weren't as exciting as before, their conversations were short and their sex life almost non-existent.

It was like the life inside of Mika was gone. She used to be so carefree and cheerful all the time and now she seemed like an empty shell. Hoseok didn't miss the way her once beautiful eyes were now tired and decorated with dark circles.

Hoseok didn't know what to do. He didn't know whether the problem was in him and their relationship, or she was having other troubles with her life. Of one thing he was sure - as long as he doesn't ask her directly he wouldn't know what is going on and how to help her.

For days he used to beat himself how to approach and ask. It was mostly because he feared that if he did, he wasn't going to like the answer. Deep inside he knew that he was afraid of losing her. Maybe they had been going out for a short time, but she became an important person in his life.

The opportunity to ask her presented itself. One day, after work he decided to swing by the local pub and prize himself with chicken wings and beer for lunch. He knew that at that time of the day, the pub wasn't going to have the usual crowd - so he can have his meal at peace.

What never occurred to him in million years was that he would find Mika there, sitting alone on the bar and drowning herself in her sorrows. But there she was, ready to add yet another empty beer to the row of bottles in front of her.

"Mika, what are you doing here?"

He spoke when he neared her from behind. His words seemed to have spooked her because she jumped at the sound of his voice. Slowly, with a passive and drunken gaze, she met his eyes.

"Why are you drinking in the middle of the day?"

He couldn't suppress the concerned tone of his voice even if he wanted to. He knew that Mika was a big girl, who managed to take credit for her actions but being wasted before lunch wasn't anything like her.

"Hi, Hoseokie."

She mumbled under her breath and reached for her bottle to have another sip. But before it could reach her lips, Hoseok took it off her hands.

"No, no don't you go Hoseokie on me. Tell me what is going on!"

He knew that anger wasn't going to solve anything, so he took a deep breath to calm his racing temper. But even if he managed to keep a relaxed front, his heart continued to wild inside his chest.

"Shell we have some chicken wings then?

He changed the subject, for her to loosen up. Plus, some food would do good in her drunken system. 

"Spicy? Weren't those your favorite?"

He continued to the lack of answer from her side. He wasn't going to give up on the thought of having food, even if he had to go and feed her himself.

"You don't even like spicy food, Hoseok!"

"I'll make an exception for today."


Hoseok was impressed, how Mika managed to chew slowly on the hot, chilly wings without a sweat. When he couldn't finish a single piece and not drown himself in a basin of water. It was true what she said earlier, he wasn't a big fan of spicy food. 

"So, what have you been up to these days? I barely see you."

He asked nonchalantly, hoping that Mika wasn't going to see past his cover. His question, of course, had a hidden motive. This had been going for so long and he couldn't bear with it anymore. He was going to find out what was happening to Mika one way or another.


She mumbled the word as if it was cemented in the back of her throat. Accompanied with the spoken word was her lack of interest to have a conversation.

"Huh? What kind of pieces are you working on? Nature? Or are you perhaps using another human naked muse for your photographs?"

He regretted the query at the same moment it escaped his lips. Hoseok felt her, stiffening beside him. Slowly, Mika dropped the half-eaten piece of chicken on her plate and turned towards him.

"Is that what this is all about? You think I would cheat on you?"

If he couldn't get a reaction out of her before, he sure managed to do it now. Because Mika was furious, and the fire in her eyes had nothing to do with the food she just ate.

"I didn't mean that. But you've been so distant lately, that I can't help it."

He didn't want to snap at her, but it was because it mattered to him - that he acted the way he did. Mika took residence in his heart and he didn't plan on letting her go.

"That's low, even for you Hoseok. I thought you knew me that much - thought that what we had was special..."

Arguing wasn't going to solve anything, but he couldn't keep a calm facade. He waited for too long, received too little for that he was giving to her. Or maybe the problem was that he asked for too much...

"Then why are you acting like this? What is going on with you lately?"

Mika wasn't a person who fought. She was always the peacekeeper, but she couldn't endure his words. Not when she already had so much on her back.

"It's my mother, Hoseok. If you must know - then, it's her!"

There, she said it. The words that she had been keeping for days. The ugly truth she refused to voice out loud. She always thought that once she said it, the reason was going to become more real than it already was.

"She is back." 


N O T E :

I've been away for so, so long! If there is still someone reading this, thank you for waiting - I adore you for that. 


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