Cuts cured my loneliness
Drugs & smoking got rid of my worries
Alcohol numbs my pain
Sleep distracts all of the terrible memories
Medication to get rid of all the heartbreak
My lips against a glass filled with alcohol to replace the lips of another
Tons of pillows and blankets to get rid of the empty space in my bed
Listening to music to ignore all around me
Now I he gets rid of my loneliness
He makes me forget about all my stress and worries
When he hugs me he gets rid of the pain
When he cuddles with me and holds me close to him all terrible memories disappear
He healed my broken heart
He kisses me instead of the kiss of liquor
He gets rid of the empty space in my bed
This is why I love him so much, he got rid of all sorrow, all emptiness and filled it with love and care, he is what healed my heart and got me to love again.
He is my distraction of everything else around me