Shot - 3 {Completed}

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"Mehra I'm asking you something? Is there something you would like to share?" Rishab asked this time with a warning in his tone and Mehra gulped before answering him.

"Sir, yesterday when you were injured and being operated, Mrs Bajaj ordered me to find all the information on your Maasi and Ms Tanvi as she doesn't feel good vibes from them and I don't think you or Mam will like what I found out, " Mehra said and Rishab looked surprised with this revelation.

"Mrs Bajaj asked you to find out about Maasi and Tanvi, so what did you find?" Rishab asked.

"Sir, your Maasi and her daughter Tanvi are responsible for the accident you got into while saving Mrs Bajaj but this was meant for Mrs Bajaj not only that they are responsible for Kukki Mam's illness as they are feeding her wrong medicines and also they are planning to kill you and Mam so that they will be responsible for Kukki Mam and the property, also whatever accidents happened till now are the planned attempts of them only SIr and I have every Proof to prove that including their self-confession," Mehra said and gave the evidence he brought there to show Prerana while as seconds passed Rishab's anger was increasing and all he can feel is hate, anger, and disgust on them but the anger and guilt was himself because being a father and a husband he couldn't save his own family whom he loves more than anything in the world but what surprised or more like a shock to him as he confessed to himself that he loves his wife whom he just met three months back.

"Mehra, get me the discharge papers and I'm not taking no as an answer so ask David car ready we are going to reach Basu Bari now," Rishab answered and Mehra nodded his head because he knows once his boss decides something no one can change his decision not even himself.

They reached Baari with a difference of half an hour between them and Prerana and RIshab walked towards the entrance with the help of Mehra but stopped at the threshold when he heard Anurag question Prerana and he felt like going and beating him with his bare hands but stopped when he heard Prerana answer him, what he heard made him shocked, he always thought that she will never reveal the reason as to why she married him to Mr Basu or any other family member including hers but here she is confessing as to why she married him, his heart somersaulted when she said she is not willing to go back to Mr Basu because she likes to his wife rather than going back to Anurag leaving him and their daughter, yes theirs because the minute he married her, he entrusted his daughter completely to her because he trusts her and knows she will take care of Kukki better than him.

But he didn't know that she chose them over her family who loved her and cared for her for twenty-three years, he always thought she doesn't care about him because she was always distant towards him and he saw how she doesn't care about him but here she is describing how she understood him the way his mother used to when he was a child and was present with him and but what surprised and shocked him more was how she said he knows how to love someone and how even he has emotions like love, hate and other things. He thought today was the day to receive back to back shocks because the way she used her power of being a Bajaj and made Mohini Basu shut her mouth which is a huge success and a feat which no one could do even her husband and children. And he felt happy that she chose a future with him and Kukki which was a big thing for him and he involuntarily whispered her name and as surprised to see her turn back in a second as if she heard him call her.

"Mrs Bajaj" Prerana heard the whisper and turned around to see Rishab standing there with the support of Mehra and she ran towards him and supported his other side.

"What is this Mr Bajaj, why did you come home like this without informing me, why don't you care about your life already I told you that there are people who are dependant on you, why can't understand this? and Mr Mehra I called you to the hospital so that you will take care of him until I come back but even you went along with him, you could have called me," Prerana said making Rishab sit on the sofa while she scolded Mehra for being careless.

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