The Arrogant Fast Afthole

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You, (Y/n), was a normal woman working in robotics, you never heard of the big names in robotics because of your shut in personality. After events that unfolded you stayed in locked in. Working on robots. And you cannot complete your robot Travel Man. You decided to watch the news. Because you need some type of fix. 

Hello Welcome to Dox 5 News! Today we have news to report! The Evil Genius Dr. Wily has passed away of old age! His robot whereabouts are unknown! 

You spat out your drink and you never knew Dr. Wily was dead. You're eyes widen and you gulped. You only knew Dr. Wily from the last attack he did. He had a robot that attacked you when you refused to back down, that's why you never go out. Didn't the news reporter say something about the bots being turned off?

Whatever, you will turn them back on.

You walked to the door and went somewhere, and that was the meadows, ever since you were little you enjoyed the breeze that the meadows provided. It made your (H/L) hair flow. And once you were walking through the meadows running and being silly you found yourself tripping over something or to be exact someone you groaned rubbing your head. And walked over to the object, it was a robot. Your heart pounded and you picked up the robot before taking him to your labs to see if you can fix him, which will be proven to be difficult since you didn't perfect Travel Man yet. 

The robot you were working on had a boomerang on his forehead, chest and little pads on his arms. Red covered his arms and his eyes were closed, so you couldn't see what color his eyes were. You tinkered around and noticed his core was outdated and old. You reached in your cabinet and pulled out a spare one to use for these types of situations. Your hands trembled when you opened his chest cavity. You replaced his core and repainted him since his paint was scratched up. And once you fixed the paint job on him he went online. His eyes snapped open and he looked at you.

"Who, the hell are you?" He asked, you looked at him. "Wait where's my master Wily?" You didn't have it in you to tell him he died or that the other bots were either missing or worse, dead.

"I-I'm (Y/n). But you can call me Dr. (L/n). I fixed you, your creator has... died. I'm sorry..." You apologized. The robot looked like he didn't understand but then he looked down. Of course he couldn't help but look like he was going to cry, and you just couldn't... 

"I'm sorry for your loss." You placed a hand on his shoulder but he swatted it off. 

"Don't TOUCH me! I have nowhere to GO! Lady... Why? Why did you turn me on again after I was shut off? I HAVE no purpose the very creator that created me is dead and all I AM IS A PILE OF SCRAP HEAP!" The robot said, you felt terrible and looked down and sighed.

"Because I wanna study you and see what your like, and I... can't explain this so I'm going to show you. Come." You waved your hand beckoning him to come forward. He reluctantly went. 

You opened the door to a dark and musty oil smelling room. You've been working on Travel Man for ages and you still haven't gotten anywhere. You flipped the lights on and the robot looked around. 

"Wow, this room is such a mess." He said, and you sighed.

It didn't bother you that he insulted your home, because nobody rarely visited a panic button like you. You were almost certain that nobody cared about you enough to visit you. And that thought stuck in your head for a real long time. Many people have been to your house. Your parents included. Your parents... They visited you when the first stages of your shut in personality was shown. They were there for you. And it warmed your heart. 

Now they don't visit anymore and when you picked up the end of the phone to call them, the line says the caller is no longer available. And it didn't matter if they weren't here, they'll call back right? Wrong. Your parents never called back they were dead, and you were informed of their death. Until later on that day. They died in a car accident. And you refused to believe that and you became more reclusive, and more reclusive until you found out about Dr. Wily's death.

"What is that?" The robot asked and you placed a hand on your creations chest.

"This, is my creation Travel Man D(First Letter Of Last Name)N-000 He's meant to be built for travel expeditions that humans cannot go on, because of how dangerous it can be," You gave a small smile to the Robot, and he looked at you, his arms are crossed. "I... Tried and tried to put him online again and again I tried. But... It was hard. I couldn't turn him on no matter what. And I just failed. I never tried anymore. And he's been down 'ere rustin'" You said. 

The robot went quiet before sighing. "If it makes you feel less lonely then I guess I can stay, I have nowhere to go. and..." He looked up, and noticed you staring at him and his face turned into a blush. "HEY HEY! STOP STARING AT ME YOU D-DUMMY!" He said, crossing his arms.

"It's... Not like I like you or anything!" He adds and he smirked.

"Do you wanna race?" He walked up to you. "Creator?" He adds. 

"Uh, I don't do racing... Uh?" You hoped he'll give you his name.

"Dr. Wily gave me the name Quick Man. Speed is my game, and I love racing! I sometimes race for... Money." Quick Man said, you made a soft smile. 

"I... It's nice to see that a robot is passionate about their hobbies..." You said, he waved a hand dismissively.

"Nah! I can run fast- Oh! Did you redo my paint? Nice." He muttered, as he ran out of the room you ran after him.

"Wait!" You breathlessly said . Once you caught up. He smirked. 

"Get ready, because we're gonna race! You failed the practice round!" He said.

You gritted your teeth.

What an aft. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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