Chapter One

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Arms wrapped around you from behind and you pull you closer to them. You chuckled, opening your eyes and turning your head to the side to see the sleeping face of your husband. You know he's not asleep, but you don't want to get out of bed to go to work. You know that Todoroki doesn't want to either. You just want to stay in bed with him and the warmth.

You felt his hands settle themselves on your bulging belly. You moved to lie on your back and Todoroki rests his chin on the top of your head and his hand settles on your bulging stomach, rubbing it with care. You're assuming there's a smile on his lips as he kept his eyes closed, but you need to get to work.

You sit up, Todoroki groaning and he opened his eyes, a pout on his lips. You chuckled, getting out of bed and grabbing a shirt that was thrown onto the floor from last night. You put the shirt on, hiding your nude body from Todoroki's heating gaze and you turned around to face him. You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow at him.

Todoroki sits up, the blanket pooling at his lap and revealing his exposed torso. He gives you a kind smile and you walk over to the bed, crawling towards him and kissing his cheeks. Todoroki smiles, cupping your face and he keeps pulling you back in for more kisses when you tried to pull away. You chuckled, placing your hand between your mouth and his, pulling away.

"We have work today, Shouto," you laughed, walking away from the bed. "Besides, I need to start making breakfast for the three of us." You placed a hand on your belly, 7 months pregnant and Todoroki still gazed at you with love in his eyes. "I'm sure you can't miss another day of being late or else your manger is going to be on your ass."

"He won't mind," Todoroki mumbled, getting out of bed. You looked away from him as he put on his boxers. "You could use the day off, you know. The two of us can spend more time before the baby comes."

You rolled your eyes, walking out of the bedroom and down the hallway towards the stairs. As you walked down the stairs, Todoroki had left the bedroom and he flashed you a smirk to which you replied by rolling your eyes. You made it to the bottom of the stairs, walking past the spacious living room and into the kitchen.

You opened the refrigerator, bending down to look inside the frig and you felt Todoroki come up behind you. You stood up, the man snaking his arms around you and pressing his face into your neck. You relaxed into his hold, feeling him press kisses to your neck and jaw, but you weren't having none of that.

You pulled yourself away from him. "Shouto, let me make breakfast so we can go to work on time. I don't want to be late for my students."

"Funny how we graduated from that high school and you're teaching there," Todoroki said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He offers you a smile. "All right. I'll leave you alone so you can make breakfast."

You smiled, Todoroki ruffling your hair and he walks out of the kitchen. You get started on breakfast, doing something simple like bacon and eggs because you and Todoroki laid in bed for too long together. You would have made something a bit more than basic, but you just wanted to lay with Todoroki more.

You are the homeroom teacher of Class 1-A and you remember when you were a high school attending U.A. you were the most loudest and reckless child of the bunch. You've definitely changed over the years and even matured too. You're glad that your students don't give you a hard time yet because you definitely gave Aizawa a hard time.

Todoroki is a pro hero and he currently is Number One Hero in Japan, but because he's #1 he's definitely busy when he's at work. Sometimes he works alongside other heroes like Midoriya and Iida and the two of you are still looking for a babysitter for the baby after your maternity leave. You're still scared of who might be watching your baby, but you could always have your mother come and watch your daughter.

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