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I was in the kitchen, chatting with Lonnie while she cooked us lunch when Czar strolled in. Lonnie was quick to end the conversation and I turned to Czar he seemed to be in a mood today.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." I said as I watched him make a cup of coffee.

"We have guest coming in ten." He simply said.

I knew this was his way of telling me that I needed to change my outfit. I sat my drink down beside Lonnie and thanked her for the meal that she was prepping before heading up the stairs. I headed to my room and to my closet, usually when guest came over it was for business so I would have to dress for the occasion.

I decide to go with a pair of black slacks and a white blouse with white pumps I let my curls sprang free. I did a light layer of make-up and dowsed myself in perfume and just then the doorbell rung. I hurried out of the room and made my way down the stairs.

I could hear a female voice greeting Czar, as I rounded the corner I instantly froze in my tracks and gasped in shock.

I couldn't believe my eyes, Darcey Couture was standing in the living room. The most famous fashion designer in the business. I nearly fainted as she turned and smiled at me, she was way taller in person and her black bob framed her face perfectly. Her brown eyes sparkling and her cat like features made her extremely beautiful.

"Is this who you were telling me so much about?" She said to Czar, her French accent very thick.

"It is." Czar turned to me with his hand outstretched and I walked over to him to take it. "This is my fiancé, Zariah."

I internally flinched at the word fiancé, but I put on a huge smile and offered her my hand so that she could shake it. "It's so nice to meet you."

"Same here, and let me just say how beautiful you are." Darcey said.

I smiled harder, I was sure that my cheeks were going to explode at any given moment.

"Czar has been telling me that you have a good eye for fashion. So I decide to see for myself, do you have your college portfolio?" She asked.

"Yes I do, just one second." I said and rushed up the stairs, almost breaking my neck in the process.

I rummaged through my dresser until I found the portfolio and then I rushed back down the stairs, eager to show Darcey my designs.

When I returned, Darcey and Czar were seated on the couch chatting about something. I all but shoved my portfolio into her hands and apologize for my actions. She laughed it off and began to flip through the drawings of the designs. I stood nervously and watched a she observed them, Czar was leaning over her shoulder and looking at the designs.

She looked up at me, "This designs, they're amazing."

I took a breath of relief. "Really?"

"Yes really, you have talent girl. In fact I would love if you joined me for fashion week in New York, We can try to bring your ideas to life."

I stared at her in complete shock, not knowing what to say. This was such a huge honor, Darcey Couture wanted to work with me. I shocked I had no words, I stood with my mouth a gape.

Czar stood beside me. "Yes, I'm sure she will love that."

Darcey looked at me and my nodded my head still not being able to say anything. She stood and tucked her portfolio into her purse.

"Good, Czar already gave my your contact number so we will have a few meeting here and there to make you like the way the designs turn out. I am looking forward to working with you." She shook my hand once again and gave Czar a quick hug before exiting the house.

I turned to Czar. "Omg! Thank you so much!" I hugged him tightly.

He grunted. "Don't make such a big deal out it." He said as he tried to pull me loose.

I backed up and looked up at him. "No really, thank you."

His ocean blue eyes softened for a second before going back to there cold demeanor. He unwrapped my arms from around him and hurried out of the room. I watched his retreating figure, maybe he wasn't ready for hugs.

I shrugged it off and headed back into the kitchen. Lonnie had finished making lunch and had placed me a plate on the table.

"Thank you Lonnie, it smells delicious." I said as I took a seat at the table.

"You're welcome." She smiled and headed towards the exit.

"Wait..." I called she turned back to me. "Would you like to eat lunch with me?" I asked.

Lonnie was the only person I really talked to besides Czar, he barley allowed me to leave the house and I actually enjoyed Lonnie 's company very much.

She looked around nervously "I don't think-"

'Oh screw Czar, it's just lunch and it's only for a few minutes." I said.

She thought about it for a few seconds before making herself a plate and joining me at the table. We talked about her son, Jack, and how he would be turning seven soon. She told me Czar only paid her $11.50 an hour and I made a mental note to talk to him about raising her pay. Out of all the workers in the house Lonnie stayed the longest and worked the hardest, she deserved a raise especially with her son's birthday so close.

When we were done eating Lonnie cleaned up the dishes and I headed up to my room. I sat on the edge of my bed with my phone in my hand. I had a few missed calls from my mother and I had to admit I had been ignoring her on purpose. I wasn't ready to talk to them just yet, but I also knew that the wedding was getting closer and closer and I would feel terrible if they didn't attend.

Just as I was about to call there was a knock at the door. I tucked my phone into my back packet and opened the door. There stood Lada smiling at me.

"Zariah! I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me today." She said, the smile never fading from her face.

I didn't even have time to respond before she was grabbing my arm and pulling me out the door.

"I guess it's a yes then." I mumbled.

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