Mix up

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                                                                              Chapter one:

 I didn't want to leave them alone that night. I  knew something bad would happen that night. I stayed awake for as long as I could but eventually i fell asleep. I had a dream that night about my parents, their heads were being chopped off and they were both screaming and saying that they should've listened to me and that  they didn't listen. I awoke the next morning feeling pretty relaxed. I was pretty glad I didn't hear anything in real life so I decided to get up earlier then usual and to help the cooks to make breakfeast. Breakfast was Served at the breakfast table so I decided to call Mum and Dad.

I listened - no repIy.  I shouted again-still no reply. I went past their bedroom door and called again but this time i gagged at the smell outside their bedroom door. It smet of gone off food  and it sounded like a swarm of flies were eating the revolting bits of perished food. Naturally i walked in. Curiosity always gets the best of me. I screamed and screamed and stopped to scream some more. No one came in- not a soul to be seen.

I was so confused.. " Why would no one come?" i muttered to myself.. It was exactly what I was afraid would happen ,it was exactly the same as my nightmare I dreamt the night before and it was certainly the most horrific moment of my entire life..at the time. There was blood on the walls. I saw what looked like the figure of my Mum and Dad underneath the bed sheets. I crept across the room to the bed bracing myself for what i might see. I pulled the bed sheets down slowly and carefully. I was horrified by what i gazed upon, two bloody, crushed skulls. I pulled down the blanket further; two dismembered scarred rotting torsos in the mess of a blood pool with binches and swarms of flies eating away at them.

Chapter two:

I called the  police and discussed evrything I knew. I watched their dissaproving faces as I told them the story. The faces looked upon me with huge discust, but after I had explained everything they decided to finally leave me alone. It was bad enogh that that both my parents were dead, especiallly the fact that they were murdered in their own beds on the night of my birthday, never mind strangers asking me questions with suspicion as if I had done it. No , far from it. I tried to recall the faces that were slaying my parents in the nightmare I had that night but all the tension and all the sadness that I had been through that day must have made me forget.

I probably looked mental for a while just staring into nothing, with no expression on my face, just standing there. I was disturbed fr a moment, as if someone was staring right at me thinking or hoping that I would not notice them there but I have very good hearing and I can always tell when someone is staring at  me. I looked and to my surprise there was a whole gang of staring faces beside me, except I didnt feel like this was a time for me to explain what had happened to my parents to the household but I felt like I should've been asking them what had happened. So I did. " What do you all know about last night?" No reply. I started to get angrier. " What are you all in on?" Silence.. I was sick of getting no replies all the time by this stage. ....more silence................ Whispering voices- "Should we tell her,no , yes, she needs to know, no she doesn't, she is fine without knowing, if you don't tell her i will, fine then i will! God you always have to put me ont the spot don't you?! Bitch.." "Look I don't care who tells me what and i don't care who starts what, I'm not anybodys mother so I won't handle grown uo adults arguing this way in my own  house. Now tell me everything.

                                                                              Chapter 2:

"Okay, your great, great Grandfather obviously never wrote anything down to tell you why he left this house to you then? no hints, nothing at all?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2012 ⏰

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