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(Justin Bieber)

I crack my eyes open to the bright rays of sun beaming down on my bare skin. 

"Fuck.." I mubble rolling out of bed 

I grab a white tee to cover my warm body, while jogging down the steps to the kitchen , where my mom was swaying over the frying pan of bacon & eggs. 

"Sit down Jay. Breakfast will be ready in 5." She spat 

I jump onto the stool making myself comfortable. I slid my phone out of my pocket & checking twitter. I smile slightly reading some of my beliebers tweets. 
"I love you justin!"
"Marry me you hunk<3"
"Justin please follow me!!"

I follow a few girls back & tweet "I love you all so much. Much love (:" I slid my phone back in my pocket & look up to a full plate of food. 

"Yum ! Thanks mama" I said stuffing my mouth with food

"Don't talk with your mouth open justin !" She giggled

"SEAFOOD !" I Said showing my mouth full of chewed food 

(Angel Collins)

I grab my phone off my night stand after it going off to my friends freaking out about Justin Bieber's tweet. 

"Makes me sick" I mubbled grabing my bag off the cold floor throwing it over my back. 

"GET TO SCHOOL YOU LITTLE BITCH" My foster dad yelled across the house. 

I walk out the door tucking my hair behide my ear. Not even looking back at my hell home. 

"Kitty !" My friend Kelly screamed running towards me.

Everyone who knows me calls me kitty for some odd reason

"GUESS WHAT" She yelled 

"Dude calm down ! What ?" I spat back at her 

"I WON THIS CONTEST TO A JUSTIN BIEBER MEET & GREET & I CAN BRING TWO PEOPLE WITH ME & YOU'RE ONE OF THEM!!" She said yelling & jumping up & down like a little school girl.

"Why me !?" I whined back throwing my arms up 

"Because you & brittany are my only friends.." She said looking down

"I'll think about it" I said not even looking at her 

*After school*

"Kitty, are you going with me & kelly to the meet & greet tonight !" She smiled 

"I told her i would think about it. You how i feel about him" I Added 

"But it'll be fun ! GIRLS NIGHT OUT" She jumped up & down

"If i say yes will y'all stop acting like school girls ?" I Laughed 

"YES YES YES Wait... NO NO NO" They both giggled 

We all three walked our different ways back home to get ready. I walked inside to my foster dad drunk , passed out on the couch. 

"Well guess thats a yes" I mubbled under my breath walking up to my room to get ready.

I Slid my phone out of my pocket to text from Brittany & Kelly 

"Wearing something hot tonight ! (;"

I rolled my eyes & got dressed in a nice dress, put my make up on, & curled my hair just becuase the girls were taking forever to come get me. I walk out on my balcony to see the girls parked outside my house fixing to ring the door bell. I Slid down the pipe on the side of the house & ran over to them catching them before they knocked. 

"I'm here. Lets go" I said pushing them to the car 

We pull up to the building & walk in the front door. Brittany & Kelly were screaming & running around like crazy people. Kelly grabbed my arm & pulled me over to the line of girls waiting to meet him. 

"Are you kidding me ?" I Spat 

"It's Justin Fucking Bieber what did you think , old people would be here ?" She started laughing 

*5 Hours later*

"We've been here for over 5 hours. Can we go now !?" I Said angrily

"NEXT" This big guy yelled 

We three walked in the room & the body guard slammed the door shut making me jump & look back at him like what the fuck. 

"Last group Mr, Bieber" He yelled

"Helloo Ladies" Rang around the room making my friends freak out

"AHHH IT'S YOU. IT'S REALLY YOU" Kelly & brittany screamed 

"Yes its me" He laughed 

"& Who are you two" He smiled looking at kelly & brittany 

"I'm K-Kelly & T-This is brittany.." She said staring at him 

"Well Kelly & Brittany heres your poster & have a safe night" He said looking back down at his phone

They walk back to the door freaking out over the poster. They walk out the room & i was last to walk out. Before i could walk out, I Hear..

Living with the Monster (Justin Bieber Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now