New Student

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Jennie pov
I slowly opened my eyes and saw tae on my bed the sunlight was hitting his face he is so freaking handsome, Jennie controll your self don't fucking fall for this jerk hell no I am attaracted to him I touched his soft and silky hair and came down and geltly pinched his cheeks,softy softy like my teddy bear why am I not angry at him he is sleeping in my bed sigh, he was slowly opening his eyes I quickly closed my eyes and pretend to sleep he suddenly kissed me on my lips , i blushed 100 shades of red "stop pretending that you are sleeping I know you are awake" were you awake this whole time "yes" I am so embarrassed he was pretending to sleep I hit him on his shoulder fuck you "always ready to get fucked by you" you are so shameless get up,get the hell out of here "why are you angry jen don't forget you told me to stay here" did I , wait a min who changed my clothes don't tell me "yeah you are right I changed your clothes" get lost! I said shouting "yes yes don't kill me I am going " said taehyung scared he walk out of the house "bye kimjennie from blackpink aka my crush" taehyung said smirking shit! How did you know that "isn't it clear enough" he said walking out of the house I leaned on my bed.

"Ring" jisoo is calling , "hello" hey you remember me "of course I do" so why did you call "I have a good news for you" then what are you waiting for tell me "so the good news is that we can reveal ourselves" really are you kidding me "no it's true they told that we can reveal ourselves" great I don't have to wear those glasses "you are going to be late come on fast" o yes I'll come quickly.

I quickly washed myself and drive to school.

I saw blackpink standing and waiting for me "hey come on we are going to be late" said rose , here I come.

We went inside the class and saw every one jaw drop in surprised some were happy, some can't believe if it really is blackpink , some are confused , I saw that taehyung didn't arrived yet I was feeling sad I don't know why but I was feeling sad , I shrugged his thought.

I started saying , well I know you'll are surprised and confuse you'll guess right we are the nerds for some problem we had to hide are identity but now we can reveal ourselves, so hello guys we are "blackpink" we said in sync.

I took my seat taehyung didn't arrived yet why is he not here yet , stop it Jennie stop it I thought in my mind.

"So student here is a new transfer student" annouced the teacher.i stare at the boy he is tall , handsome and what should I say he is just like an angel , he stared at my side and smiled I smile back , does he know me of course he would I am Jennie sometime I forget that I am an idol.

"Introduce your self" the teacher said "my name is eun woo please take care of me" said the boy , please take any empty seat said the teacher , he walked to my side and sat beside me.

"Hii!" Hey , "I am eun woo" I am "Jennie" he cut me off , you know me , "yes I am your big fan didn't thought that you were in this school" what a coincidence.

Taehyung pov
Shit! I am late i drove my car like a racer , I ran to the class as fast as possible. Sorry I am late I said panting "just come in next time don't be late" I bowed to the teacher and went to my seat I saw someone already sitting there and Jennie is also not wearing her glasses did she reveal herself.

Hey this is my seat I said "is there a name written on the table" the boy said , this is my seat get up or else I catch his collar and was going to puch him on the face but the teacher stop me.

"Taehyung he is new here just sit at the back today" but this.."no excuses you came late so sit at the back" okay I said and sat at the table , "hey" the girl sitting beside me said I was in no mood to talk so I just ignore her.

I peeked a lit they were laughing and talking , I eavesdrop "you look beautiful in real" said the boy smiling "thank you" said Jennie blushing , I slammed the book in the table they both turned to me and stared , is there something in my face they both ignore and turned around.

I am not jealous , just don't feel good seeing my crush being with other boys "you are jealous" said the girl , how do you know "it's clearly written on your face" no I am not "yes you are" I said no means no "yes you , be quite both of you said the teacher, I ignore her and focused on the lesson.


After 14 mins the class finally ended and it was lunch break I saw the boy standing and intentionally bumped into him.

Jennie pov
I saw taehyung bumped into eun woo and eun woo fell down , are you ok "yeah I am alright" how can he just bumped into you and didn't even say sorry "it's okay I am fine" ok then I lift him up.

I walked to the canteen and the delicious smell watering my mouth my tasty hamburger I am coming I took the tray and sat where somi and jhope oppa were , taehyung sat beside me , jisoo unnie and jin oppa were sitting beside each other , I can see jisoo unnie is feeling really irritated and this was all because of me I chuckled and jisoo gave a death glare to me.

"Hey" said taehyung , what I said rolling my eyes , "do you know that boy" no he is my fan "don't talk to him" why you were talking to that girl earlier "are you jealous huh" no I am not "yes you are" no suddenly someone interrupted the conversation.

I turned my head to see who was that , eun woo , "can I join you'll" said eun woo , of course you can , somi and taehyung both glared at me , what he can he is new , "no he can't" said taehyung rolling his eye , you don't tell me what to do, he angrily got up and stomp his feet like a child and went away.

Childish I said grinning , he didn't eat anything should I take some food to him I thought , guys I am coming "waoohh is Jennie caring about him" said rose , oh shut up I just owe him something. I am sorry eun woo enjoy your lunch I'll go and check on him "it's alright" said eun woo sadly.

I checked on library he was not there nor in classroom where can he be , I forget to check the terrace yep he should be on terrace I run to terrace , there standing annoying taehyung talking to himself. He is so childish I said panting from the run hey have this hamburger I said smiling.

Taehyung pov
I was so angry that i came to terrace for some fresh air how can she just let him sit with us she knows I don't like that guy "hey have this hamburger" someone said I turned my head and saw smiling Jennie she is so cute , no taehyung be strict.

Why are you here go to your eun woo.
"Are you jealous" said Jennie with smirk on her face , no why will I be I said rolling my eyes , "thank you for yesterday night" is she thanking me , your welcome I said snatching the hamburger. The bell rang and I finished my hamburger "let's go" she said and I followed her like a lost puppy.

Now we have maths the subject that I hate the most , I saw our class teacher came in. Everyone was confused like me "miss now we have maths" a student said "yes I know I have one announcement to make" said the teacher.

"We are going on a trip after this weekend to Jeju island" announced the teacher I love to travel "and every one have to go it's compulsory" said the teacher "we are going there for 2 days so pack your clothes accordingly see you on Monday class , class dismissed".

Finally the class is over.

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