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Aroused from a light sleep by the birds once again who sang and danced through the air. And with the morning was a brisk current swaying through the leaves and waking up the beautiful flowers dotted along the courtyard.

And the rich smell of breakfast that he had grown so habituated to over the years wafted in from beneath his bedroom door. In his massive room, he stood with nothing more than a bathrobe tied at his waist and fluffy slippers to cushion his feet.

From the looks of the sky, it had to be around 9 am, and that meant that breakfast was just finishing up if it wasn't already.

With nothing else to do, he searched through his drawers for something clean to wear, something casual, nothing with any flair. Washed out blue jeans that he fit into with a squeeze and a cream-colored cotton v-neck for a shirt.

Black ankle-cut socks covered his feet now which slipped into the brown loafers next to a pair of some neat dress shoes and the racks of more casual sneakers. He let his hair air dry and only ruffled it slightly, running his fingers through the silky strands before he finally made his way down the maroon carpeted stairs.

In the dining room sat two plates full of food, one occupied by his 'butler'. The man who he had technically recently released from his position, but he insisted that he stay to manage Granger's health and schedule.

Breakfast felt like it went by in a blur, though thirty minutes of the time had gone into the aimless conversation between Deane and himself.

"Perhaps, you should try to get out a little more," Deane said passively as he walked by Granger at the table.

The man groaned before resting his head in his hand as he looked up in Deane's direction. "Why? To give my mom and dad something else to be embarrassed about? Sure.." Granger grumbled while looking off in another direction.

He was so tired of living in everyone's shadow, but to make a name for himself was not necessarily something that he really wanted either.

Granger could honestly care less for the luxury and bountiful comfort. He just wanted privacy, a bit of normalcy, if only for a few hours. Why was that always so much to ask for?

"Alright, we can go somewhere but you have to stay with me as my companion, not as my butler," Granger finally sighed and got up from his spot at the table.

This way, he was not alone and Deane is pleased. And maybe Granger did need some time out of the house. Get to know more about his surroundings and maybe even find some new places that he could come to enjoy being at. It would possibly even give him a chance to finally explore some options for what to get.

Granger was silent as he tapped a pen against his notepad. He was writing down things to his newfound brother-in-law as he tried to decide how to occupy his time. His father had yet to contact him about a meeting he supposedly needed the man for, though, he was fairly certain the day would never come again. His father had made one of his assistants email Granger about some gathering with the family to welcome the new member of the family before the marriage between the man and his older sister.

There was nothing the Granger could possibly do or say. His familial endeavors had always seemed so intangible. There was no connection, no understanding, no happiness to hang on to. There was no peace or break among the silence, for silence always left room for the tension in the air to blossom to its fullest potential. He simply had to face the music, or pray his father simply forgot about him again like he's always seemed to do since he was young.

Granger sighed and ran a hand through his messy black hair. He finally touched tip to paper as he began writing down some of the ideas he had earlier found in his research.

There were plenty of things that the man could do, the world was full of oppurtunities. His biggest problem was his inability to complete them on his own.

Being lonely and abandoned his whole life in that wretched mansion had done its damage, and the man was ready to finally get out and explore.

But he was scared. He was hopeless.

He had no idea what to do or where to go. What areas would be safe for him, what areas would be too sterile for his liking. He didn't want to buy food and end up not liking it, that was a waste and he had cooks within his own home.

He had no idea what he was going to go out and do today and it was beginning to stress him out a bit.

Should he and Deane just have someone drive them around for a while? Explore the city and map out some places they could plan to visit? Or perhaps they could research a fine diner to have a nice evening lunch at? Allow them to let loose and enjoy a meal together in a rather quaint atmosphere.

No... that'd be too suffocating.

I'm never going to figure this out...


"It's really cold out here..." Fenry complained and rubbed his arms as we briskly walked down the street together.

Soon after we left the apartment, it had started pouring rain, and I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't cold either. Instead, I said nothing at all, just simply grabbed Fen's slender hand in mine and pulled him against my side.

I was much shorter than he was, but he was a lot more slender where I was curvy. He looked down at me before squeezing my hand, and it was then that I noticed he was trembling. I had the feeling that it had something to do with his father, not so much the weather after all.

He had never been the same after that night that his father collected him, and he had been gone until the sun began rising again in a new day. I wanted to ask what had transpired then, but I was unsure if that was such a good move. Fenry sometimes got really into his own head about things, he had a tendency to constantly overthink, especially when it came down to his father.

The man still had so much influence over him, well, influence over us all really. Though, a countless number of the things that he made Fenry do were more than he'd ever forced any of the rest of us to. The man had a bad habit of tasting his own products, making us take turns with him nearly as much as we took customers, except he didn't have to pay us. And he didn't.

We had no idea where the others could have gone. The two of us, the youngest of the group of us, were left out here to somehow figure shit out. It nearly felt impossible.

The wind was harsh, blowing in our faces. Who would even want sex in this kind of weather? Well, I guess if it was your option for generating better body heat, but still. It was far too cold to work, but they were older than us and knew this town far better. They probably knew a lot of clients that had locations lined up for when they met up.

I just hoped that we found them soon...


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