The start

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In the middle of class it was that first time aizawa was actually teaching then bakugo starts to coughing really hard.
Bakugo ask to go to the bathroom.
Aizawa let's him go so he dashed out of the classroom.
Deku POV
When bakugo was running out the class room I saw something fall out of his mouth. so I asked to use the bathroom too when I got out of the class room I saw a trail of green petals with blood on them. so I picked them up and followed the path. it was gross. picking petals with blood on them. When I got to the bathroom cause that were the petals Led to. I heard crying so I went to that stall and knocked on the door
Bakugo POV
I ran to the bathroom coughing blood and green flowers and it hurt so bad. When I stoped I fell to the floor and rapped my arms around my legs and cryed.
Deku will never love you
I know
All you ever do is bully and push him away
I know
A few minutes later I here a knock on the door and then in a really soft warm voice I heard "kacchan"
I froze I couldn't move at all I tried to speak but nothing came out "I know your in there I can see that your siting on the floor" deku said in a calming voice
"Are you okay" deku said in worrying voice "I'm fine leave me alone" I said try to sound angry but I failed and it came out more of a whisper than a yell
(I know that was short but I'm tied so bye for now)

🌸Flowers🌸 (sad bakugo) bnha / dekubaku Where stories live. Discover now