The kitchen floor tile

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The wind blew so strong that clothes and bins where flying around, yet shaun still worked hard building the garden shed. Sara stood watching him while drinking her tea, she couldn't help but laugh at how silly he was building a shed on a cold winter afternoon. A loud ding made her jump a little, it was a timer for her Hilsa curry. Sara is half Bangladeshi and she occasionally likes to celebrate her culture on her dads side, despite him leaving her and her mother at 15.
The Hilsa was very hot, so hot that Sara rushed to run her fingers under the cold water for a few seconds.
Sara reached for the fancy bowls at the back of the cabinet, it was their one month anniversary of living in the house. It was also close to their wedding anniversary, because they both worked a lot it was their only chance to celebrate. As sara dished the Hilsa out, she was clumsy and dropped some curry on her foot. She screamed a little but got over the pain and brushed it off . She realised a kitchen tile and been pulled up and leaned against the bin. Sara found it strange as they just had their floor done. She didn't think much more of it and put it back. Sara continued to serve the curry and she wiped down the kitchen surface. It wasn't until she went to put the dirty kitchen wipes in the bin when she noticed the tile was again pulled up from the floor. She was more suspicious this time and decided to leave it out for her to ask her husband. She thought about it and how she might just be thinking she had put it back as she had a migraine at that moment and wasn't feeling 100%.
She opened the door to the garden and called Shaun in for food, "bless him" she said as her hungry husband ran inside.
They ate the curry very quickly because it was very good, but they also had other plans - wink wink.
"I forgot to mention....why didn't you tell me you broke a tile?" asked sara. Shaun looked confused , "I didn't break a tile" . Sara pointed to the tile that was leaning on the cabinet, as shaun looked at it confused. Sara couldn't help but notice a weird blue paint drop on the tile. "I have no idea....anyways shall we go upstairs m'lady" said shaun jokingly. Sara went with shaun upstairs into their room.

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