My Light (One Shot)

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"GOOD MORNING, METAWIN," Win couldn't help it but to roll his eyes when he saw the person who had just greeted him.

Beside him is Mew Suppasit, smiling widely and walking along with him in the corridors. The third year engineer who have an obvious crush on him. Everyone knows him, he isn't just a rich young man with looks but a man with wit and brains too. A lot of people, both girls and boys, have their eyes on him but too bad, Mew only have his eyes for Win Metawin.

"Awe," Mew pouted a little. "No greetings?"

Win inhaled, "what do you want? It's too early stop pestering me, Mew."

"I saw you from the parking lot so I just want to say good morning. Is that bad?" Mew asked but he's starting to pull out his guilt tripping eyes.

Win took a short glance at him and he just scoffs, ignoring his little trick.

He doesn't hate Mew, in fact they're friends. He was just sitting in the bleachers during an orientation on his first year and Mew was the second year representative that time. He was discussing something about school activities then their eyes met.

After the orientation, without further ado, Mew approached him. His new found friends teased him for that. Mew already have a reputation that time and he's quite popular in all the departments. He sure do found Mew attractive and alluring that time but it's not something like what others think toward Mew. He felt super shy he just want to run away. But in the end, they managed to become friends. Except Mew keeps hitting on him.

But honestly, he enjoys Mew's company even though sometimes it irritates him. He's nice and funny after all.

"You're not really going to talk to me, don't you?" Mew said, sliding his hands inside his pockets.

Win stopped on his tracks and his eyes wanders a little around, he's being conscious with the people around them. He knows some are starting to talk about them again.

He faces Mew. "This isn't your building, Mew. You're going to be late." He stated which made Mew check his wristwatch.

"Oh shit!" He exclaimed, "I gotta go. See you later, Win!"

Mew gave him a soft smile, waving a goodbye before he runs out of the architect's building.

"See you never!" Win yelled. Mew turned around for a short second and gave him a thumbs down.

When he's out of his sight, Win couldn't help it but to unconsciously laugh to himself.

"Win Metawin what's funny and you're laughing alone?"

He was pulled out of his own little world when an arm drooped on his shoulder. He looks at the owner and it's none other than Haena, his best friend.

"Nothing," he simply answered. "Let's go?"

Haena chuckled softly. "To where?"

Win's brow furrowed, "to class? Ow!"

She flicked his forehead without hesitation followed by another chuckle. It wasn't that painful but Win quickly rubbed his pinkish forehead.

"What was that for!?"

Haena gave him a smirk, bumping his side teasingly. "You're distracted."

"No, I'm not," Win quickly defended himself.

"You are," she grinned.


"You know we don't have the same class but your brain seems to stop working. Also, I'm just teasing you, I saw you with Mew-"

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