A beautiful day took the love of my life

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It was a beautiful day, sun was shining and you could hear the birds chirping in the trees. Bakugou was getting ready for the big day. He put on his white suit and black bow tie he was ready. Ready for the next big step he was going to marry the love of his life izuku midoriya. although after today it will be izuku bakugou. He was excited and genuinely happy. even his best friend kirishima thought it was weird seeing him so happy, but he couldn't help it he was marrying the love of his life, the yin to his yang. But he was also incredibly nervous. He had a weird feeling in his gut. something telling him to check on izuku but alas he didn't listen. Your not supposed to see the groom before the wedding. As bakugou continued to get ready with all of his friends izuku was afraid of the what if's.

Izu: "What if he says I can't? or what if he says I love someone else?"
his best friends were there for him, including the maid of honor ochaco uraraka
Ura: don't worry deku-kun, here's some water to calm your nerves!
Izu: thanks ura

Izuku drinks the water and doesn't even think about the weird taste of the water as he drinks it, chalking it up to be his nerves.

Finally it's time, time for them to get married. bakugous waiting at the altar as he sees the grooms men and woman come down the aisle. Finally it's izukus turn.

The wind is knocked right out of katsukis chest. Izuku looks amazing in this matching white suit. Izuku has a small blush spread across his cheeks as he smiles as wide as the open sky. Bakugou is blinded by that bright smile. He knows that smile is for him. When did bakugou get so lucky to have such and amazing person come into his life. He's so grateful for izuku and everything izuku has ever done.

It's like time stood still for the two of them and izuku slowly made his way up to the alter. As he got closer bakugou noticed something was off. Izuku looked paler and as each second passed he looked worse. people were starting to point it out.

So bakugou grabbed izukus hand and kissed it and that got izukus attention he perked up and his beautiful Emerald eyes got wide.

Baku: are you ok my love?
Izu: yeah im fin—

Before izuku could even finish the last word he passed out or should I say drop dead. Bakugou caught him but started to panic as he screamed his lovers name he heard a laughter coming from uraraka. he looked up at her ready to freak out and tell her to call 911 until she said.

Ura: sorry he won't wake up he's already dead! If I couldn't have him I will at least make sure no one can have him either! HAHAHA

uraraka was then graved by Iida and tsu. she was going to go away for a long time but that still will never bring back izuku

every year on the anniversary of izukus death which was supposed to there wedding anniversary bakugou would go to izukus grave and as he cried he would say say-

Baku: what could have been.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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