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Third Person's POV

Once again, Donghyuck was trying to calm Yena down since it has been an hour ever since Eunice left to 'buy bread'. "Choi Yena, she can take care of herself. Stop worrying so much. I'm sure she has a reason why she's taking long." The male said and made frantic hand gestures.

Yena gave a doubtful glance at him and sighed. "You're right. I should keep it together," Hyuck nodded approvingly and smiled. She sent him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry for making you worry." She said and fiddled with her fingers.

He patted her arm and just grinned. "It's alright. Eunice is doing fine, okay? You're giving yourself a heart attack." He said and pulled her into a hug to warm her. Yena clicked her tongue and buried her face on his shoulder. "I know. I'm so stupid."

The girl suddenly felt a flick on her forehead. She glared at him and brought her hand to the area where Hyuck hit her. "Why did you do that? What did I do? I'm calm already!" When she noticed herself starting to shout, she breathed in and out. Folding her arms, Yena raised a brow at him. "Okay, but why did you do that?"

"You are not allowed to call yourself 'stupid'. I should be the only one who can do that." Yena just rolled her eyes and both of their heads suddenly turned to the front door when they heard a knock. "What is it this time..?" Donghyuck asked lazily to no one in particular and went to get the door.

By the time he opened it, like yesterday, there was no one but another scroll from the palace. He took it and read the letter while walking back to the kitchen. As he continued to read, he mumbled the words and his eyes slowly widened when he was nearing the end.

"What's that?" Yena asked and walked towards Hyuck. He immediately gave her the letter after he finished and gasped, covering his mouth. She thought he was just exaggerating so she read the message, clearly this time.

"'We want to inform everyone in the kingdom that the mysterious girl that the prince had danced during the night of the ball has finally showed herself. Further questions will be asked to the maiden and we thank you, once again, for your cooperation. We apologize for the past inconvenience'."

She closed the scroll and set it on the counter while staring at the air in shock. She looked at the boy beside her who was cutely covering his mouth who is in the same state of shock like her. "Why did she lie to us?" Yena asked and grabbed the edge of the counter, trying to flip it.

Donghyuck quickly grabbed her arms to stop her from what she was trying to do. "Hey, hey, calm down." She broke free from him and threw her hands up in the air. "Why didn't she tell us? Why did she had to lie??" The boy crossed his arms and gave her a poker look.

"Stop complaining. I know you're happy she finally gave herself up to Jaemin." He said and rolled his eyes with a shake of his head. Yena tried to glare at him but she ended up grinning widely. "Of course I am! We're not going to stay up until late and to add it up, there would be no more girls who will suffer,"

She sighed in content and sat on the stool, finally able to release her worries. "Eunice has made a good decision and I guess we will support her with the path she's taking now." Hyuck leaned on the counter. "Do you think we should tell Lady Tremaine?"

Yena quickly shook her head. "Are you crazy? She doesn't even know us. Besides, let her and her daughters do what Eunice used to. We only slept here because we were cursed. Now that we're human again.. should we move into a house of our own?" She asked.

Hyuck suddenly smirked and she sent him a blank look. "What is your plan, mademoiselle?" He raised a not-so curious brow at her. She pinched both of his cheeks deeply and he howled in pain. "Nothing, monsieur. I want to have a house because my real home is far away from here and I won't go back unless Eunice gets married."

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