Chapter 1 Birthday Surprise

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Ella Matthews Birthday is today June 13 2015 she will be 18. She wasn't planning on doing much today but hanging out with her 3 best friends Anna, Nicole, and Lynn who are already 18. I woke up to the smell of pancakes my favorite food. I checked my phone as always in the morning and saw I had 27 snapchats from my bestie Anna. Opening them all i found out she's coming to my house in 15 minutes Yay me. So i guess i gotta get dressed like really people its my birthday y'all are comin now. So the day's outfit consists of skinny jeans. sky blue sweater. and brown boots. For my hair i just throw it up in a pony tail like always. By the time i go downstairs Anna is there siting at my table talking to my step-brother Colin talking about there ginger nation thingy. I walk over to the pancakes and go to get some when my hand gets slapped by Anna. "Excuse me but i would like to eat some pancakes WOMAN." "Happy Birthday Sleeping Beauty." "Thanks Merida" "Oh shut up! I haven't gone shooting in over a week." Yeah that's right bitches I'm best friends with a real life Merida.(From the movie Brave) "Yeah right  Anna you asked me to go with you to retrieve the arrows after you shot them." "And you said no so i didn't go duh." "Really you didn't go cause i wouldn't go with you?" "Yes now eat cause I got some surprises for you birthday girl." "What are these surprises." "It's a secret." "Why tell me." "No can do Elle." "You're mean." "I know but I still sleep at night knowing that." "Fine." "Now hurry up and eat." *Sticks tounge out at Anna.* "Very mature Elle." "I know right." "Happy Birthday Sis." "Thanks Colin." "Elle eat now please." "Okay calm down Anna." "I'm very calm I just can't wait to show you what I got you for your Birthday." "Okay Anna I'm done." "Good it's been like 15 minutes." "You timed me?" "Yes I did." "Wow okay Anna not creepy at all." "Well you were taking like 5 ever." "I had to eat and brush my teeth Anna." "I know Elle. Now let's go." "Okay. Bye Colin see you later." "Bye Sis."  "Put this on." "Why do i have to put a blind-fold on." "Cause I want to surprise you." "No way that's not going on my face ever." "Fine Elle. Whatever it's not like you're gonna know where we are going anyway." "Are you sure about that Anna." "Yes i do Elle." After 30ish minutes of driving and singing to the songs on the radio they go through Starbucks drive-through to get drinks cause it's Starbucks. "What do you what kid." "Um caramel frappuccino please." "I figured." "Yeah they're my favorite." "What can I help you with?" "Can i have 2 large caramel frappuccinos please." "Yeah that will be $10.50." "Alright thanks." "Here's my $5.25 for mine." "Put that a way it's your birthday." "So doesn't mean I can't pay for my drink." "Shut up and put it away. No if, an's or buts about it." "Fine woman." After getting their drinks they went off driving for another 30 minutes to an apartment complex that Anna want's Ella to live in with her But they dont know that the famous band 5 Seconds Of Summer got an apartment on top of theirs. "Where are we Annie." "See I told you wouldn't know where we were going. Now come on I want to show you something." "Oh okay." Anna knew Elle wouldn't look at the apartment complex sign because she stalled her. Ella was a little anxious about going into the building. "Okay go to the elevator and press the 3rd floor button please Elle." "Okay Anna." When they got to the 3rd floor Anna opened the door to room 27. "Ella Matthews will you share this apartment with me?" "Are you serious Anna like for real i would love too." "I figured here let me show you your room it's over here. You can paint the walls any color and place furniture in it do whatever. Here's your key to the apartment and to your room." "Thank you thank you thank you  Anna!" "Anytime girly but this isnt the only surprise I've got for you." "Are you serious because I don't think anything can top sharing an apartment with my best friend." "As flattering as that little speech was come here and look at these." "Oh my god you bought kittens!" "No I adopted them they are both girls mine is the all black one her name is KittyGirl and the gray one is yours she doesn't have a name yet." "I'm gonna name her Alex." "Okay now that you named your kitten open this but be careful with it." "Um okay it's just a card right but i still with be just cause you told be to." In the card was Ella huge present from Anna. "Oh my god you got us 5 Seconds Of Summer tickets. Best Birthday ever Anna." "Wow calm down Elle okay lets go and pack all of your crap." "Okay Annie I like that I think that's gonna be your new nick name." "Okay Elle let's go now so it's not to late when we get home." 



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2015 ⏰

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