Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"There's a crab over here!" I look over at Kent, poking at the sand with a split twig he found in the trees beside us. I roll my eyes at the crouched figure and continue scouting the grainy area, shuffling from the sand finding its way into my boots. The splashing of waves hitting the shore soaks the bottom of his pants and he stands up with a yelp of surprise, throwing the stick at the ocean in anger. Not exactly what you'd consider a tropical paradise, but the closest we've been in years.

We're no more than half a mile from the off coast Stafford facility we've been brought to almost two weeks ago. The journey had been pleasant for the most part, minus the hour when the engines stopped working. The researchers conduct experiments on the little wildlife and ocean conditions in the surrounding area, the trees being used as a partition between the type two and three phenomenons and the unknowing public. The facility itself is almost an exact replica of the research center I used to work in before being dragged to what was Cardinal Tower. Their one condition for our stay is that we scout the perimeter for any imminent threats every day.

News stations have been playing clips of explosions and updates of what's left of the uprising nonstop since we first evacuated, and the stories are all the same. Karma's have yet to reinstate power because of the major public outcry. Protests and riots have all been exterminated almost as quickly as they've begun, people are in worse shape without a leader than they've ever been with a tyrant, and the whereabouts of Malachi Blaire and Silas Stafford are still unknown.

I turn back to my overgrown childish companion and I look at him quizzically. He's busy tracing shapes into the sand, redrawing his pictures each time a wave washes one away. I smirk at his innocent ways, finding myself appreciating his lighthearted behavior in such a tense situation. Most people still don't trust me after Monica, and I'm still not too fond of socializing either, so aside from Cynthia, the kids, and on occasion Aster, I haven't bothered to talk to anyone other than Kent. Sometimes I ask myself why I choose to sacrifice my brain cells like that.

The water colors the sand under my feet, but I don't mind the splashing as much as Kent seems to, due in part to the fact that I'm not trying to form masterpieces in the dissolving canvas around us.

The sun starts to set, bathing the shore in a vibrant shade of gold. The skies are less gray by the water, allowing the light to settle in rays of ever changing colors on the crashing waves. We've finished scouting our assigned area, and so I take the moment to admire the beach in the beauty of the golden hour. I find a place on the sand in mental exhaustion, hugging my knees as the sun falls closer and closer to the horizon. My thoughts have been filled with nothing but the events from over a week ago because it seems like everywhere I turn, I get another reminder that I couldn't save them. Doctor James Grazinski was found in the ash, clutching on to some sort of metal brief case, and there still are no signs of Kai, Silas, or Shona. They didn't die, I just know it, but I haven't had a chance to find them yet. It's still too risky.

Kent notices my obvious distraught in our recent situation, and takes a seat beside me, throwing a shell back into the sea. "They're fine Cas," he says, in a way that seems more directed to himself than me. "They're the strongest people I know. Well that's not completely true, I never really knew Shona, but I know Silas and Kai. A little bump in the road like this won't keep them down." Little bump, I chuckle. "I want them back more than anyone, so if I'm not worrying then you shouldn't be either." I don't believe a word he's saying. He's worrying more than I am, I can tell, he's just trying to convince himself that he's fine for my sake. We sit together watching the sunset, allowing the quiet of the beach wash over us alongside each oncoming wave. I stare at the water receding as I lay my head on his shoulder, allowing a moment of weakness for both of us as we silently hope that what Kent said is true.

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