𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎

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"Aaaaw, you want us to come over?" Jaemin's cheeky voice teased on the other end of the phone,"Lonely?"

Jeno's jaw went slack as he stared at the empty desk in front of him, noting that his persistent brother was standing right behind him as he made this call. Unfortunately for him, yet fortunately for his new partners, both Mrs. Lee and Mark were insistent on the idea that Jeno invited both Renjun and Jaemin over.

Nosy, the ravenette thought wearily as he calmed the fluttery feeling in his stomach from hearing his love's voice. It wasn't as though he didn't want them over, more so that he'd never had friends up before, and he wasn't entirely sure how embarrassing his two family members would be.

"I'm not lonely," he stated softly, fingers trembling as he used the phone so infrequently and had miniature heart attacks every time the darn thing even vibrated. "You just haven't been here before....Mum and Mark want to meet you."

"Oooooh, your family are intrigued, I see.  I'll try not to tackle you into rough squeezes while I'm there. Renjun is literally always free, the inactive idiot. I'll call him and let him know. What time?"

"Um...." he glanced up at his older sibling who mouthed 'five'. "Five is fine."

"Okie dokie. See you later, Jen."

"Bye...." he hummed with a cute smile that Mark had never seen before. As soon as the call was ended, and the tall teen placed his phone down on the desk, the older wrapped his arms delicately around his back and cooed.

"You're so cute. Look at you, all in love and shit. How did you get there before me?"

Jeno tried to shrug him off from embarrassment. "You're just too specific with your interests. If they aren't a certain way, then you reject them."

"Jaemin is cute. So is Renjun, actually. Are you trying to tell me you didn't fall for the looks first? Hm? Hormones speak louder-"

"God, hormones completely forgot about me when I was born. Don't even try to convince me of otherwise."

Mark released a short chuckle before reaching his hand out and running his fingers through the other's hair. He couldn't exactly ruffle it, so this was a replacement version. "Actually.....you've been getting better recently. Mum and Donghyuck have seen it too...."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Dunno. You're just....less tense?"

Jeno stared back at his tidy and neat form with a small frown. He hadn't noticed any great change in himself, though he supposed his OCD must've been getting minimally better if he could look at Renjun and not scream. The Chinese boy was careless when dressing, apparently.

𝗮 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂; norenmin Where stories live. Discover now