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He was standing there, perfect, With his eyes in-crusted with diamonds; so beautiful. slick black hair glossy, but no greasy just right. All of him can be described in one word PERFECT.No one appeals to him though. That is what my best friend Jessica says. She says no one can ever match to he's beauty. Or at least to him there was a lot of beautiful girls at school such as Erica. She was beautiful body perfectly shaped in an hour glass  every guy at school fell for her and always said yes to her when she had asked them. Guys usually drooled over how she was, but she was also on the slutty side. When I mean slutty I mean a total slut with boobs poking out until... well you get the picture. But still Erica did not even make make his expression change when she asked him to go out with her. Nothing but a slow let down like she wasn't good enough. She screamed when she had gotten the news and ran to the bathroom with all the guys in our grade after him even is looks made everyone of those guys decide not to beat him to a pulp. 

In school i found myself zoning out looking at him in my English class. It happens pretty regularly too. My teacher, Mrs. Halter always has to make the class come together with a whistle everyday because every single girl in that class was staring. When she finally gets our attention she always gives us her lecture on how it is inappropriate to stare. I know though that even she her self as a teacher must think he is cuter than her own husband. Who knows she might even dream about him at night in her dreams. 

The bell rings concluding our period of English over. and I walk to the hall with Jessica.

" I though she was going to switch his period today everyone could not get enough of him."

" I know its only been the first day back of break and everyone is acting like it is the first day of freshmen year already staring almost drooling."

" I think i saw miss. Slutty slut drooling on her desk wiping it away with her PINK sweatshirt ."

I laughed at that because everyone thinks she is perfect too and just doesn't see what she does ever. I really hope someone notices before the homecoming dance. I mean even as she walks through the halls talking to her girl friends saying ridiculous things like how he is going to ask her because he regretted what he did to her. I really don't think so only in her imagination.  Jess and I walked into our ninth period class with Mr. Dexter. Our only class where we can talk and the actual only class we have together besides lunch. Jess walks by my English room right before the bell rings because she has history before personal fiance.  

I personally love this class because we hang out with the older kids like Sam whodon't want to give us the evil eye every time we say something. HE's the one senior I know who won't do that to us .  

WE carry on with  to actually witter a check and the bell rings when we have to give in the papers we had to fill  out that goes along with our YouTube video we were watching. I couldn't wait to get home. The days where you have nine periods a day, eight technically if you don't count lunch, and a sophomore biology class and absolute no homework happens very rarely to me as a freshmen.  

AS the bus rolls to a stop and I  stand  up with no one off the bus yet I am the first to get off the stairs in time before my old lady bus driver can say, " Have a nice day!" I can't stand my bus at all the seniors on it  do chew tobacco with cameras and everything obviously not caring if they get caught which I am truly counting on to come. If you have ever witnessed is really gross with their spit in a bottle a disgusting green and particles floating all around the water and them spitting every five minutes. It makes me sick just looking at them. They think they are so cool when really they are wasting their lives away on this beautiful planet with the little time we have her to begin with.  It angers me and because of this I give them a horrifying dirty look everyday. Instead of them taking it as a threat they laugh because  I am totally not good with faces at all. 

before I know it i am in the front seat of my mom's whit 2013 KIA waiting for the rest of my neighbors to get off the bus so we can drive them home . Kyle and Cameron come off the bus together probably talking about how they are going to treat their girlfriends. Kyle even though has one named Jenna who is also my bestest friend in the entire humanly planet possible. She has stuck with my childish ways for more than four months now ever since Field hockey season happened int the early August.  I could not even live without her she is the biggest part of me. Though some people think she and I were friends way before then. Cameron on the other hand has had a girlfriend in the sixth grade but she moved to Minnesota. I'm sure they still keep in touch which is still cool considering how far apart they live. I have lived with them since i was five and will still threaten their girlfriends if they even make changes to their personality because they are perfectly fine just the way they are. They deserve someone who sees that too. 

They get in the car along with Sadie who is a sophomore and moved in about a year ago. She the sweetest person you will ever meet and undoubtedly have a lot of fun with. Recently though shes been depressed because her spaniel dog had died on Christmas the worst of all the possible holidays. We try to make her laugh, but nothing really makes her smile even when she gives her fake laugh i only know its fake not even my own mother can tell the difference. I guess I just deal with everyone at school who is like that and I can pick it up when no one else can. 

with everyone packed in to my mother's car we drove off toward home from another exhausting school day.

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