Morning Sun: The Heliopsis

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Not long ago till Jihoon realize his favorite member is there. He taking a sit right beside him and eat the cookies that he bring from his room. Jihoon can't help but smile looking at the younger. He looks cuter with bare face, his blonde hair is so messy but still looks fluffy makes jihoon want to put his fingers through it. He's so cute, Jihoon thought.

"are u free today?" jihoon said that instead to break the silence.

"I'm gonna continue my drawing." answered the blonde with the cookies full in his mouth.

Jihoon just nods, don't know how to respon.

"do you want to help me?" asked Asahi suddenly.

"what? me? I don't even understand about art and stuff?" Jihoon laughing responded to asahi non make sense question.

"You can just sit on my bed and do nothing. It will enough to help me." Asahi stood up and said "I will take the shower first."

and that's way Sahi leaving Jihoon in confusion.

But Jihoon can't do anything though. As a leader, he needs to help his members right?
Like having no other choice, he stood up and stepped into Sahi's room.

He passed by with Sahi's roommates, Haruto.
Haru said he wanna go to dorm 1 and play games with Junkyu and Hyunsuk. Jihoon nods and step again to Sahi's room.

Aesthetic purple lights immediately greeted Jihoon's eyes right after he entered the room. He sitting on the lower bed and hugged Haruto's big sinchan plushie, waiting for Asahi.

His eyes found something interesting on Sahi's desk and he moved there.


Beautiful scratches on the cover book shows the owner's name. Jihoon smiling looking at the little flowers that surrounds it.

He turned page after page and can't stop smiling looking at Asahi's arts. His hand scratches are beautiful and cute at the same time. There is the drawing of his members Mashiho and Yedam which made for their birthdays. There is also a sketch of his favorite characters, Joker and Ultraman on the last few pages, remains him of Sahi's childhood dream who wants to be a hero.

'This boy never fails to make me smile with his things' Jihoon thought.

He came to the last page of the book and there's a sketch of the tiny leaves which indicates that it's not finished yet but looks pretty already.

The door opened. Asahi entered the room with his wet blonde hair. He stand beside Jihoon and looking at the drawing, so does Jihoon. Sahi rubbed a towel over his hair hoping it would dry soon. Jihoon can smells Sahi's shampoo at this distance.

The younger bitting his lips, indicates that he is thinking.

He suddenly make an eye contact with Jihoon, the older can't help but met his gaze.

They were like that for a couple seconds.

Jihoon stand up and let Asahi sit on his chair to continue it.

Asahi takes the pen and trying to etching that onto the draw. He spinning the pen with his hand waiting for an idea to come. and it lasts for a few seconds. He's ruffling his hair frustated and pouting which makes his cheeks more fluffy.

Jihoon noticed it and smile again.
"Sahi-ya what are you doing?!" Jihoon embracing asahi.

"Ah I don't know I don't have an idea." The blonde said and scratching his head that doesn't itch.

"usually, what things that gives you an idea?"

"I don't know. It just came in a such random times. but now, I'm blank."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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