my opinion on gwuncan

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Lets start WAYYYY back in season 2. Gwen was still dating trent and seemed happy with him. Until she started to get closer to duncan and trent got jealous and started to overthink, my thing is why would you dump your boyfriend and tell people to vote him off instead of trying to help him? Of course he's going to overthink your getting closer to another guy. And I don't know why the writers made it seem like it was trents fault when it was gwens fault too.

Season 3
Okay this is where it gets worse. Gwen and courtney we're starting to become friend-ish. During the first few episodes gwen showed 0 interest for duncan. But fast forward to when duncan comes back she somehow has a crush on him...? Then gwen and duncan kiss in the bathroom with tyler watching them and then they sing a song about how cheating is okay and they don't regret it at all which is horrible. So fast forward to greeces pieces, tyler tells everyone including courtney that duncan and gwen made out. The thing is that duncan and gwen acts like they didn't do anything wrong after that and put all the blame on courtney when she did nothing. After gwen gets eliminated duncan goes and tells alejandro that courtney was un loyal... like weren't you the one who cheated? you know NOTHING about being loyal.....

Season 5
This season kinda confuses me... gwen was obsessed with courtney and didn't focus on the game, and duncan was an idiot because he used gwen to cope and get over courtney. I hated how gwen claimed she didn't do anything wrong and how duncan started to have feelings for courtney again when she was clearly over him and started to date scott. unpopular opinion but scott was a better boyfriend than duncan and thats facts. I also hated how gwen got mad at courtney for making that list when she made it before they were friends and because she stole her boyfriend and had 0 regrets. she had no reason to be mad at her and courtney shouldn't have gotten eliminated. in conclusion gwen needs to stop playing the victim and duncan needs to stop being an ass.

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