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The somewhat chilly air was filled with the melodious chirping of the birds mixed with the soft and sweet fragrance of the freshly damp trees. The heavy downpour had almost been replaced by a drizzle when they had left, and no traces of moisture falling from above could be seen anymore.

A beautiful soul closed her eyes resting her head on the passenger window of the luxurious automobile, filling her lungs with the fresh and soothing breeze as she enjoyed the beauty of the nature. She had always been an ardent devotee of the nature's heavenliness. The calm and pacifying effect it had on her worked like a medicine which always made her forget all her worries in its embrace. A sudden powerful gust of wind, caused by an abrupt increase in the magnitude of the vehicle's speed, compelled her slightly brown locks to sweep across her face, breaking her perfect moment. Startled by the vibrations caused in her body due to the sudden change as well as her own hair brushing her face, she quickly opened her eyes only to find the most amazing person sitting next to her, giggling like an idiot. She narrowed her eyes at him while he continued on with his idiotic smile, staring straight ahead at the road.

"What was that?" She asked, still narrowing her eyes.

"What? What was what?" He narrowed his eyes, in confusion, as well, pretending to be shocked.

"Don't act smart. Didn't you just increase the speed?" She asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Oh...that! Yes...so...?" He carried on his pretence.

"So? So what? I was thinking something peacefully, Ranbir! But you can't bare to see me peaceful, right? That's why you did it on purpose to interrupt my thoughts, didn't you?" She gave him a piece of her mind.

Oh, how well she understands him! Though the reason she came up with was quite wrong. He would do anything to see that peaceful smile spread across her beautiful features. But for now, he had just had enough of her silence, and this was just his way of talking to her.

"Oh no no, Prachi! You've got it all wrong! My leg just slipped on the accelerator, you see."

"Oh really?! Leg just slipped on the accelerator, you see!" She mimicked, to which he giggled again.

"You know what, Ranbir? I won't be surprised even if that actually happened, you see. After all, it won't be the first thing you don't know how to do properly." Retorted Prachi, shrugging as this time she was the one to giggle.

"Oh please!" Ranbir was now in his defensive mode. "No one dares to challenge Ranbir Kohli's driving skills, you see!"

"Nope. You see, okay? And I can dare, you see. What will you do Mr. Ranbir Kohli? You can't deny the fact that you were careless. Your leg slipped a bit and the next moment the car is speeding up like a metro. What if your leg would have 'slipped' even more? I'll tell you. You see those trees?" She said, pointing towards the side of the road, for it was flanked by forests on both the sides. Ranbir's gaze momentarily shifted from the road towards the direction of her index finger as confusion once again clouded his face.

"You see, right." Prachi's words came out giving the sense of a statement rather than a question.

"There! Right there! We would've been smashed right there!" Her voice increasing its magnitude with each word.

"Good for you though, you would've landed directly on your lover!" Said Ranbir, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"What? What are you talking about?"
"God yaar, Prachi! Chill! I know I'm here, but for now I was talking about my competitor." Prachi's face was blank.

Ranbir just giggled again before continuing. "Nature, Prachi! Nature! Your first love, forgot?" He winked at the last phrase while Prachi seemed to relax a bit.

Pranbir : Tales Of Unconditional LoveWhere stories live. Discover now