Chapter 1

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"If you don't let go, I'm going to break your nose", Olivia muttered.

After getting apprehended for the second time in three weeks, she didn't want to get into more trouble just because Zach wouldn't leave her alone.

Zach chuckled. "Woah, cool it hothead. I just wanna talk".
He loosened his grip on her wrist. He turned away from her for a second, running his free hand through his blond hair. It was just the second she needed. She flipped her wrist and stomped hard on his foot. Then she bolted, down the hallway and out into the front yard.

There were two large dorm buildings at either side of the huge yard. She walked to hers, thinking of how infuriating it was that Krystal was so huge, when all the orphans in it would go missing sooner or later. She pulled her room key out of her jeans. When she walked into the dorm room, the four other girls that lived in it  were sitting on their beds, doing their nails and talking loudly.

Olivia stepped around the mess they had left on the floor. As she was about to collapse from exhaustion, she noticed a familiar blonde sobbing at the corner of her bed. Olivia stared longingly at her own bed. It looked so comfortable.

She sighed. Whatever Evelyn was crying about, it had to be more important than sleep. She strode over to Evelyn's bed and plopped onto it. "Linnie?"she whispered,"Wanna talk about it?" Evelyn hugged her tightly, sniffing. "Did you fail a test?" Olivia asked.

Evelyn looked at her like she was crazy. "What? Olivia!" she screeched. Olivia put up her hands in surrender. "So tell me what's working you up. Come on, tell me." Olivia persisted. Evelyn looked at her like her heart was going to break. "Olivia, Peter's gone".

Olivia was quiet for a few seconds, letting the information sink in. "Gone?" she sputtered,"What do you mean, gone?" Evelyn wrung her hands in despair. Peter had been their friend since day 1. Losing him was too much to bear. Olivia slid off the bed."Come on" she said, pulling at Evelyn's elbow.
"Where?" Evelyn sniffed.

"We're going to get Oliver. He'll know what to do"
Evelyn pulled back her arm. "Olivia, I'm not trying to escape again. Peter's gone because we kept trying to escape. The guards are always watching us, waiting for us to try. I'm tired of trying. This place isn't worse than stumbling around in the woods for a few hours till we get caught again. What do I have to lose?"
Olivia stared at her.

"You mean you don't feel it?"
Olivia asked.
"Feel what?"
"That your time is running out. That you're a forced part of some pre-planned scheme and you're trapped in it. I mean, how old are you?"
Evelyn sighed."Sixteen"
"Do you remember having any birthdays?"
"Last year, we found a picture of you in braces with some other kids you said you didn't remember. There was some camp in the background. You said you didn't remember it either. Remember that picture?"
"You're telling me, that for one minute, you never wished that you knew anything about who you used to be?"
"Give it up, Olivia. I'm not doing this anymore. It's not worth having guards on my back 24/7".
"Fine",Olivia said flatly, "But just because you're too intimidated by guards to help us doesn't mean I'll stop trying to help Peter". She turned on her heel.
"Olivia, I'm -" she could hear Linnie start to say, but she was too upset to care. Besides that, she needed to find Oliver, quick.

If there was anyone who knew how to find Peter,it would be him. He probably would've found an escape route a long time ago, if it wasn't for the fact that Krystal's security system was able to change instantly. She didn't want to leave her dorm since she was so tired, but she was really worried about  Peter. "Hey!"she called, as she knocked on the door with uneasy impatience.

Oliver's roommate, Harry, swung the door open. She shoved him out of her way so hard he almost fell. "If you're gonna barge into someone else's dorm,at least have some courtesy" he muttered gruffly.
"Sorry" she said over her shoulder. She crashed into Oliver's arms.

He pulled her away from him to stare at her. His chuckle stuck in his throat when he saw her frown.
"What's wrong, Olivia?" he said, fully assuming his brotherly role.
"When was the last time you saw Peter?" she asked, trying to be calm.

"Uh, yesterday. Why? Olivia, stop it. Don't cry" he murmured, squeezing her hand.

Olivia pressed her fingers to her face, forcing sharp breaths into her lungs. "Oh no. No, don't tell me he's-" Oliver said, panic rising in his tone. Olivia nodded slowly.

"Olivia we'll fix it. I'm sure I can do something. Just don't tell Linnie please. She can't-"

"She found out before I did, Oliver. She told me she's given up and I'm scared. I'm so scared" she rambled, wringing her hands worriedly.

Oliver hugged her tightly, trying to get her to calm down. When she pulled away, he stole a glance at his watch and his eyes widened. "Olivia I think you need to leave now" he said, hurrying her on her feet.

She looked at the digital clock that hung on the opposite wall and began to run. She had exactly five minutes till eleven. She couldn't bear to get in trouble for being out past curfew, because the Board in charge of Krystal counted it as an attempt to escape.

And if Olivia knew anything about the Board, it was that they would do literally anything to keep the orphans from getting away from their paradise-like sanctuary. Getting caught would have severe consequences, especially since she was already on thin ice.

Just as she got past the huge fountain in the middle of the court yard, a cold voice barked behind her, "Stop!" She could hear the thud of combat boots running up to her. Frozen in fear, she gritted her teeth.

This wouldn't end well.

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