Stay With Me

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Yeah, I'm Writing Lumity Fanfiction Now. Sue Me.

The rain outside is so loud that Luz doesn't even hear the knock at the door. A loud crack of thunder shakes the owl house, and Luz pulls her blanket up to her chin. She's sitting on the couch, flipping through the first Azura book (she's rereading the series— again), and not paying much attention to anything else around her. It isn't until Hooty sticks his face into the living room that she realizes someone is at the door. She dog-ears her page and sets the book down, then goes to see who it is. Outside, standing in the pouring rain and completely soaked to the bone is... Amity.

"I'm sorry—" she's already saying. "I'm sorry, I know it's late but I couldn't get into the library and I... I didn't know where else to go—"

"Amity!" Luz exclaims, surprised, grabbing her by the arms to stop her rambling. "Come inside, it's pouring!"

She pulls Amity inside and shuts the door behind her, blocking out the rain and the cold night air. Amity's black dress clings to her shivering frame, her arms wrapped tightly around herself.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" Luz says. "Did you walk here?!"

"Can I stay here tonight?" Amity asks in an unusually small voice. "I can sleep on the couch and I'll be gone before you even wake up, I promise—"

"Amity," Luz cuts her off again. "...Let's go up to my room, okay?"

Amity takes a breath, slowing herself. "Okay."

Luz takes her hand and gently leads her through the house.

"I finally convinced Eda to get me a real bed, so we can share that. Or I can sleep in my sleeping bag, whatever you want," Luz says as they climb the stairs. "But first things first, let's get you dried off and into pajamas, okay?"

Amity nods gratefully.

Luz disappears for a moment, comes back, and wraps Amity in the fluffiest towel she could find in the house. Then she directs her to the trunk she keeps all of her stuff in.

"All of my clothes are in there, so you can dig through and find some pajamas."

Luz starts absentmindedly tidying up her room and when she turns back around, Amity is standing awkwardly, wearing sleep shorts and one of Luz's sweatshirts.

"Alright," Luz says decidedly, plopping down on the bed and patting the space next to her. "Come sit."

Amity sits rigidly on the bed, wrapping her arms around her torso.

"Tell me what's going on," Luz prompts gently.

And then Amity just starts to cry.

"Hey..." Luz says softly, slightly taken aback.

Without another word, Luz wraps her arms around Amity, and Amity collapses into the embrace, sobbing. She tries and fails to choke out a few words before Luz shushes her.

"Hey, don't even worry about talking right now, okay? Just let it out. You're okay." Luz lays down and pulls Amity with her, holding her tightly as she cries into Luz's chest.

After a while, Amity's sobs eventually fade out. She lays there in silence for a long time, just listening to Luz breathe, wrapped in warm blankets and the darkness of the room. "Luz?" she whispers eventually.


"Oh. I didn't think you were still awake..."

Luz pulls away from Amity so she can look her in the eyes. A flash of lighting briefly illuminates her face. "I am. Do you wanna talk now?"

There's a delayed crash of thunder; the storm is moving on.

"If that's okay."

"Of course it is."

Amity takes a breath, steeling herself. "Okay. So, I've pretty much stopped using the secret room at the library. It just doesn't feel as safe ever since the thing with the twins..."

"Right..." Luz says guiltily.

"So I brought all my things home and I made sure to hide the important stuff pretty well but, um... I didn't know that my parents go through my room when I'm not home..."

Amity squeezes her eyes shut against another flood of tears. Luz holds her a little tighter.

"They found my diary. It was warded, but I'm sure they broke it pretty easily... There was some stuff in there that they didn't like."

"Like that you're friends with me and Willow?" Luz guesses.

Amity hesitates, looking away. "Yeah," she answers, "stuff like that."

"I'm sorry."

Amity swipes at her eyes. "Anyway, they— they told me to leave. And there wasn't much conversation after that but I don't think they want me to come back."

"Oh my god, Amity..."

"It's fine," Amity says weakly, "I just have to find somewhere to stay, I guess."

Luz furrows her eyebrows and sits up, looking down at Amity. "You can stay here. You know that, right?"

"No, no, it's fine..."

"Amity," Luz says firmly. "You're staying here. We have plenty of space, Eda and King will love to have you, and you can take this bed."


"Nope, that's final," Luz says, pulling up the covers and tucking Amity in. "Now, you've had a long night and you need to get some sleep. Do you want me to sleep in my sleeping bag or—"

"Stay with me," Amity says quickly, "Please."

"Of course."

Luz slips back under the covers and pulls Amity close, cheek resting on top of her head. With a small sigh, Amity nestles into the crook of Luz's neck. And with that, the soft sounds of the night surrounding them, they both fall asleep.

Stay With Me- Lumity (One-Shot) ✅Where stories live. Discover now