When times stop, but only for a moment.

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This will be a fluff and ill be addressing to you as reader through out the story and have fun lol (i never did this before so I'm excited also tell me some anime's to watch I have 10 I need to watch or finish but it doesn't hurt to extend that list also I'm bad at spelling.) no Boku no Picu. :)

-----------------------DEKU X READER------------------------------------

Right now you where standing on a ladder painting the wall in the living room of the dorm you and your classmates where living in.

This was an assignment given to you by your teacher, Mr. Aizawa. They whole class got into a huge argument and if Mr. Aizawa didn't use his quirk your sure everything you have gone up in flames... literally. Bakugou was so mad he was really going to set the whole place on fire.

Even Todoroki was mad. You best friend Deku wanted to calm them down but with his quirk if things got to that point he doesn't know if he would jump out the building with a angry Katsuki setting off explosions from his hand or take Todoroki away and he doesn't think he would have been able to get everyone out before the two started to clash.

Of course it wasn't only Kac-Chan and Todoroki arguing, even Kirishima, Denki and Iida where arguing. Most of us girls and some of the sane ones tried calming them down but with Katsuki making things worse it was close to impossible.

So once Mr. Aizawa was able to get the class to quiet down, which was surprisingly easy. He came up with the idea for us to work as a group to redo, if you will, the living quarters since you guys would most likely stay here for the next two years of high school as long as you guys don't leave of do anything dumb enough to get expelled.

So you guys got to work. Mr. Aizawa gave you guys a week to finish the 'assignment'. Iida told everyone to write down there top 3 favorite colors and you went around taking everyone's votes and you sad down putting them in piles according to the color written on each card.

You wrote down all of the colors in the order from least to greatest and it took you an hour as you had messed up a few times. when you finally got it you called the others into the living-room everyone taking a seat some siting on the floor or on a couch or standing.

"Okay I'm just going to say the top 3 colors but can I say my personal idea?". You looked at Iida who just nodded.

"Well I think we should all come up with an idea of something to paint on the wall as I wouldn't mind painting by myself because I haven't in a while. And maybe I can put everyone's idea on the wall of maybe the things people liked the most?" you felt all there eyes on you which made you really uncomfortable and you felt scared that they wouldn't like your idea.

And maybe I can use the tope 3 colors as a background...?" It was quiet, too quiet for your liking. Suddenly everyone started saying that your idea was better than Iida's, it did make Iida a bit upset but he had to admit he liked your idea more.

You had never shown your classmates any of your paintings because you felt that they were bad and you wanted to improve your style some more as you felt I wasn't perfect. You smiled and ran to your room quickly you grabbed some spare sketch book's, 5 to be exact and ran back down stairs.

You tore out 2 piece's of paper and gave two to each of your classmates and and asked Deku to grab some pencils as he always seemed to have a lot of spare one's and he did so with a smile causing a blush to crawl over your face and your eyes softened as you watched Deku sprint towards his room.

looking back at your class mates you told them come up with something of there own and that they had today and tomorrow to come up with an idea so you could spend the rest of the time painting on the walls, though you would still need the help.

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