Are you ok

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I know no one will probably ever read this but I thought someone somewhere might need to read this. Are you ok? I'm asking because you probably don't get asked this enough and you sometimes just need someone to ask this and after you say your fine they know you aren't and hug you telling you you'll be alright. So I'm here doing exactly that in writing because you are an awesome wonderful great person who deserves to be here in this world an I'm so happy that you someone with such a meaningful and wonderful personality is here reading this. So are you really ok? Or you put up this steel wall around the real you, a protection case around your heart knowing if something bad happens you would no longer be able to handle so you just lock yourself away. If so I just want you to know that things like that happen and it's ok to put up a wall but there is always gonna be one person who won't hurt you who won't leave and instead of them promising to be with you forever they will promise to love you and stay with you. That's how you'll know, i know it seems dumb but even if you feel down you have to pick yourself up and just keep going because the people who want to hurt you don't deserve to see you down because that's only letting them win. Don't let them win don't let this win. Keep your head up and just keep going because there are probably a ton of people who love you and want you in there life. Just like me I may not know you and you may not know me but If you somehow stumbled onto my writing maybe you need to hear this. So if you aren't really ok or if you just want someone to talk to just dm and I'll always give you the time of day just to talk and rant your life away cuz honestly I feel like you shouldn't have to go through whatever it is your going through alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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