this is it.

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oh ! wouldn't it be nice

to say goodbye to many friends

kiss a loved one or two

tell dem what you really think

imprint yourslf in their memories

like paper to ink

do what you always wanted to do

before d end

the c-word


it infects our lives

a virus,intestinal worm

it is hard for d infected

not least d pain

i think it is d kwldge

kwing wat u'l never gain

growing old on a porch smwhere

wrinkled hands clasped in embrace

wedding rings clinking in symphony

of two minds,lhnking into one

places u'l nvr c

things u'l nvr do

d slow surrender w8ing for final day

d final embrace

as d warmth fades away

d bomb detonates


evrything in its path

kindered spirits

old laughs

a love of life

a love of lifetime left to drown

so nxt time u c d infectn

primed to explode

its only objective:kill

maim,those left behind

ready to tread d weary road

dere sweet cmpanion has left

for dem,a last gift

a memory of memories

so nxt time u c d infection


it wudnt bite...

bt remembr...


those left behind...

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