Chapter One - First Day of College

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Hi guys! First story for this account of mine... Okay, so I am going to tell you that I have two accounts in Wattpad...

I have InfinitelyBeyondBeat and this account. I am not lying okay?

My first account is InfinitelyBeyondBeat and this is my second account, I was the one who wrote Serendipity and many other stories..

Anyways, I hope you would like this story from me, support it like the others in my first account and support this account as well...

I would all appreciate that very much... Anyways, I think its the right time to start the story..

Am I right??

Harry Styles up above or on the left side, hope you would like the story...


Chapter One - First Day of College


It was just another day, a day just before I go off to college, the day before another life begins. I am still here in my mom and dad's place, folding and packing all of my clothes and putting it inside the luggage.

For some young adults like me, they're really happy of leaving there homes and going off to college, all because they get to be free and get to attend a lot of college parties, but for me, it's not that easy.

Let's say it'll be fun but I think it would become horrible and sad. I mean, I'll miss my mom and dad, I'll miss there hugs and kisses. Mom's cooking and Dad's enthusiastic voice. I'll miss all of them. All of those.

I have an older brother, he is so sweeettt.. He makes me laugh hard, to let my worries go away. Makes me happy when I'm sad and lonely. He goes to the same school that I'll be attending tomorrow. And that is a good thing! Nothing to worry about, right?

By the way, my brother's name is Nathaniel, but were the only ones who could call him that. He tells other people or his friends that his name is Nate or Nathan because for the reason that the 'Nataniel'  sounds awkward and that name is too long.

Right after packing all of my stuffs, I grabbed the zipper and closed it, looking up at the clock, it was already 7:00 in the evening, just in time for dinner. And just in time for my brother suddenly crashing in my room.

"You could always knock, you know? " I said, grabbing a pillow and aimed at Nate's face, which totally failed because he caught it with his hands.

"Very funny Aubrey, come on, time to eat dinner," he said, throwing the pillow right up the bed. I stood up and grabbed my phone, putting it inside my pocket. "Nervous about tomorrow babe?"  Okay, I do not know why my big brother calls me babe, but its sweet anyways.

"Uh, yeah. Really nervous," I said, as we went down the staircase, walking down the hall and to the kitchen. Mom was preparing the table while Dad was slicing and preparing the meals.

"Don't be nervous, I'll be dropping you off to your dorm anyways, plus, you could always go to your big bro!" Nate said, smiling widely sitting down the chair and I did the same as well.

"How are my two little cuties?" Dad said, smiling and placing the meals down the table. I looked over at Nate who had a huge disgusted face on. I smirked at him and looked over at the meals right at the table.

"Looks really delicious daddy!" I said, and we all started to eat. The rest of the meal was quiet and we had some few things to talk about about new the new college and all that.

Right after that, I went up to my room, put my pjs on, read a few chapters from my favorite book and suddenly fell asleep...

--The Next Day--

I woke up the next day with the sound of my alarm clock ticking really loudly. I still felt sleepy but I had to get up early because I need to prepare anyways. I got up of bed and went to take a bath.

A few minutes later, I went out the bathroom my white towel wrapped around my body. I rummage through my closet getting clothes. I put on my bra and underwear. Then, put on my gray Aeropostle loose top and my blue jean shorts. Then, I grabbed a pair of socks, putting it on.

I fell of the bed because of my sudden pull of the sock and I heard a chuckle coming from the doorway. "Very funny Nate,"

He laughed, "Hurry up, its already 7:45, you're going to be late,"

I hurriedly slipped on my socks and grabbed my sneakers and wore it. Nate grabbed my luggage, bringing it all the way down. I grabbed my body bag and looked back at to my room. I let out a sigh, closing the door and going all the way down.

I left a note on the table for my mom and dad to see, since both of them are still asleep. I went out the house all the way to my big brothers car.

"Hurry up,  get in the car," he said, going into the car and I followed soon after.

He drove all the way to school. "Ready?"  I just nodded, pulling my luggage behind me. I think he knows where my dorm is, so I just followed behind.

After minutes of walking down the hallways of Manchester University. I can tell you that we finally stopped in front of my dormitory. "I hope my roommate will be good,"

"She will be, she's a great friend of mine," he smiled and knocked on the door. A beautiful blonde came and opened the door and smiled at me and kissed my brother.

"Dude, seriously, a great friend?  Or your girlfriend?" I said, laughing.

"Babe, hey. So this is my little sister Aubrey," he said, "Aubrey this is Gwen, my girlfriend," he smiled down at me and I smiled back.

"Ohmeegaaasshhh! You're the cutest junior ever!" She said, hugging me in her arms and I hugged back. She's so welcoming and so warm.

"We are going to be great sisters. But, I'm the oldest one okay?" She giggled and looked up at Nate, giving him a small smile. While they were having a moment, I was holding my luggage and went to my side of a the room.

"This place is great!" I said, sitting down on the comfy bed.

"Yes it is Aubrey,"  Gwen said as she smiled at me. "Your big brother is my boyfriend since year one," she said, blushing uncontrollably. "I love him so much,"

I giggled, "I can see that,"  I said, opening the zipper of my luggage and is starting to unpack. "I'll help you unpack," Gwen said, helping me stack my clothes in my closet.

We spent an hour of fixing those things. Stacking and unpacking. And I think this college will be a blast!



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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