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Part One:The question

Hinata was sitting by herself alone and sad. Naruto is always gone at the office and the kids are all at the academy. She doesn't hang out with the other girls because they are busy caring for their husbands,except for sakura but I mean.

(hinata is home alone on the couch)

Hinata: It has been so long since I have felt the touch of Naruto,I can't even visit him because he is always busy.

(hinata gets an idea)

Hinata: I know what i will do . i will make Naruto quite and then he will be with me

(hinata changes heart)

Hinata: then again it was always his dream to be the hokage *sighs* guess i have to make a tough decision

The kids come home after long training and are exhausted

Himawari : When will daddy come home

Boruto:when does that old man ever come home , he is alway busy and he never has time for us

Himawari : yes , but daddy is a hard worker and he can provide money for the family

(she says this with a big smile)

Hinata enters the kitchen

Hinata : hi kids how was school

Himawari : it was great mommy me and inojin

(boruto rudely interrupts )

Boruto:ewww he's so annoying and ugly

Inojin is Sai and Ino's child ,he is also Himawari's little crush. Boruto on the other hand is not a big fan of him probably because he thinks he is bad for himawari.

Hinata : boruto don't be rude

Boruto :fine i'm going to be

Hinata:you're not even gonna have dinner

Boruto: i'm not hungry

Hinata : oh .... Ok good night sweetie

Boruto :don't call me that

Hinata and himawari finish dinner and himawari goes to bed. Naruto arrives late at night,and Naruto sees Hinata looking at him on the couch.

Naruto : hi baby

Hinata: ......

Naruto: are you ok are you hurt

Hinata : Am I hurt ... AM I HURT *starts to tear up* every night i lay awake at wishing you were in bed with me. Every morning I wake up and don't see the love of my life who I married on the other side of the bed. When the kids are gone I am so lonely. And at dinner we can never eat as a family Naruto....i just want you back

Naruto is shocked by what his wife said, he realized that him being gone so long and working has affected his loved ones

Naruto:H-hinata I did not know you felt this way,im sorry im always gone it's just part of the job

So how about this. How about i send a shadow clone everyday so you won't be lonely

Hinata: but i don't want the shadow clones i want you , i am married to you not the shadow clone

When i married you i thought we were gonna be together forever,look Naruto i didn't want it to come down like this but your gonna have to chose

Naruto: *confused* chose what

Hinata: me or the job

Naruto is in silence on one hand he is in disbelief his wife even said this and two this is his childhood dream he wont give that up

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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