These Sinister Games

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I can't stand still, I'm buzzing with the anticipation of today.  I pull my hair up into a ponytail and smirk at my reflection, a tall, freackled girl with long brown-red hair and  yellow eyes.  I'm wearing a black and gold dress that I had made for this day.  The Reaping.  I'd been training all my life, and now that I was finally 18, it was my turn to win the Games.  I laced up my boots and walked out of my room, shutting the door with a swift 'bang'.  The old wooden floors creaked with every step I took until I got outside.  I took a deep breath in and smiled, making my way to the place of the Reaping.  The other kids I walked past whispered at me.

"That's her, right?"  One whispered.

"How is she not afraid?"  Another whispered.

I held my head high and kept on walking.  As I walked to check in, the crowd parted for me, eyes intently staring.  I walked to the table and reached out my finger.  I didn't even feel the prick of the needle and the man took my blood.

"Congradualtions."  He said adn I nodded to him.

"Thanks."   This was a good day for me.  I knew that there were only three Careers this year, including me.

Everyone got where they needed to be, and the video started.  I didn't watch or really listen to it at all.  I was staring at the bowl of names on the stage.  I wonder who would be picked?  Didn't matter to me, I already knew I was going.  The video ended and the announcer, who's name I didn't care to hear reached into the large bowl of names.  He walked to the microphone and opened the slip of paper.  Before reading it, he winked in my direction.  He cleared his throat and then read slowly.

"Maya Mickenly."  He read and I smirked.  She made her way to the stage, and before she stepped on the stage I yelled.

"I volenteer." I make my way to the stage. I walk up the steps and stand next to the announcer.

"I don't think you have to ask my name."  I say and he nodds.

"Our tribute, Hecate Thantos."  He says and I smirk, "Welcome to the Hunger Games."

"Just pick the next name."  I snap and he reaches into the other bowl.  He reaches in and picks one from the bottomof the bowl.  He makes his way over to the microphone and opens the slip of paper...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2012 ⏰

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