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"Do I really have to get married to her?" Gun asked as he looked at himself through the large mirror in front of him.

The woman in front of him fixing his clothes spoke. "Yes, Your Majesty. The Princess of Avoria is a very beautiful maiden. The King and Queen had been waiting for this moment."

Their eyes met in the mirror. Gun had a frown on his face as the woman who looked after him ever since he was a child held his chin gently and made him look at her. Her eyes were soft and motherly.

"You've grown up, Prince Gun. I am honoured to be able to witness you get happily married."

Gun smiled genuinely. He looked down as his smile soon faded. "H-Happily.?" he muttered.

The woman held his cheeks with caring hands as she made Gun look at her. "What do you mean, honey?"

The worry in her face agitated Gun. He hated seeing people worry about him, he felt like a total burden. "Nothing!" he quickly smiled, continuing with his little facade. "Do I look handsome in this suit?" he asked as he posed in the mirror.

The woman covered her mouth as she laughed. Even her laugh was so feminine and fragile. Gun loved that laugh. He would never get tired seeing it. "Oh you're too stubborn and playful for a prince.." she commented as she rested her hand on Gun's shoulder.

Gun looked at her through the large mirror again. Gun felt like he was in the verge of letting his tears flow like a river when he heard what the woman stated.

"And that's what makes you the most wonderful prince. 'Cause you're none other than the only Prince Gun Atthaphan Phunsawat."


"Your Highness, what brought you here?" a young girl asked as she bowed her head and held her own hands firmly in her abdomen.

"I am here to see my son." The Queen stated, grinning at the image she had projected in her mind. Gun in a suit, all manly as he takes the hand of a young beautiful princess that suits him.

"I see. He's in this room, Your Highness." the young girl directed to the room behind her.

"Thank you. Honey, let's go." The Queen walked along the King with her hand looped around his arm.

They entered the room. "Gun honey?" she called out, looking around the large room the moment she stepped in.

"There you are." The King said in a baritone and obviously manly voice as he smiled towards his son.

"Father.. Mother..!" Gun smiled before he ran towards his parents to give them a hug.

"Honey! You can't just run like you're still a boy! You're a man now, you have to act like it.." his mother told him off.

Gun was supposed to feel mad or uncomfortable by what his mother said, for obvious reasons of course. Yet just by seeing his mother's worried eyes already made him feel bad. You can't make them worry, you can't be a shame to them.

"Hmm fine." Gun then let go from her embrace. "Do I really have to marry her?" he asked reluctantly.

"You two fit together, like a puzzle piece that has been missing to complete a very perfect image. A fair beautiful maiden with a great handsome prince like you." his mother held his face, Gun leaned into his mother's hands like a cat purring its owner. It was supposed to feel heartwarming, wasn't it?

It was supposed to make Gun feel safe. But his mother's grip tightened for a little, and it didn't went unnoticeable by Gun. He felt tensed and pressured when his eyes met his mother's.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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