Chapter 1: Meeting him

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(y/n)'s POV

It's a nice sunny day, and on days like these I like to visit my brother-figure Hashirama in his free time which is right now (around 12-ish). When I got there we greet each other and catch up a little bit which is just talking about random shit. After about an hour a man comes in, he's very tall, wearing blue robes, he has beautiful black eyes and long black hair. He's really fucking handsome. 'I bet his hair is really fucking soft' I think to myself. The mystery man and Hashirama start talking and I can't help but stare at the tall man. I start to giggle to myself because 1: he's hot as fuck and 2: because his hair reminds me of a hedgehog. I didn't realize both of them where staring me until the tall man coughed to catch my attention.
???: "What are you laughing at?"
(Y/n): "Sorry mister....." I trail off and walk behind him, I move his beautiful hair muttering small apology while doing it, taking notice of how soft his hair is and thinking 'fucking knew it was soft', I also notice the Uchiha crest on his well toned back.
(Y/n): "Mister Uchiha" I say walking back to my spot next to Hashirama's desk
(Y/n): "I couldn't help but notice that your hair makes you look like a hedgehog"
I giggle slightly while saying that, Mr. Hedgehog didn't seem to happy to be called that so I got both scared and nervous because he was giving me the biggest glare he could muster up and because I was scared and nervous I moved behind Hashirama a little bit and I started to laugh which made him glare harder and it became a small cycle until the hysterical laughter of Hashirama broke it. He could barely breathe and in between laughs I could hear him say to Mr. Hedgehog,
Hashirama: "S-She called you a hedgehog"
He couldn't take it and had to leave the room to calm his self down before he dies because I bet with all that laughing his lungs didn't know what air was.
(Y/n): *still really fucking scared* "Sooooo Mr.Hedgehog-
???: "Madara"
(Y/n): "Huh?"
Madara: "My name is Madara"
(Y/n):"O-oh ok"
He gave me one last look and left the office, I kept staring at his back as he walked away and towards the door cause DAMN BOI he looked hot as fuck and his hair swished back and forth so majestically. After about 5 minutes Hashirama came back into the office clutching his stomach and wiping his eyes because he cried a little bit
Hashi: "Where did Madara go?"
(Y/n): "He left a couple minutes ago...........I called him Mr. Hedeghog"
After I said that Hashi started laughing again, he fell against the wall and slid down towards the floor and sat there laughing his ass off and I laughed along with him thinking only one thing
'I hope I can see Mr. Hedgehog again some day'.

A/n: Hey humans I hope you enjoyed chapter one, I will probably update more chapters but it might take some time but I swear on Mr. Hedeghog I will give you humans more chapters as fast as I can. Welp that's all for right now, I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night and if times are hard for you right now I promise everything will get better even if I doesn't seem like it. Bye bye ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Madara: Goodbye readers, I hope I can meet with you all again soon.

Edit: heyo I edited thy chapter a little bit cause I didn't like the way some things sounded, that's it :)

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