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I look out my bedroom window and I can't help but feel the drops of salty water running down my unusual sad gray eyes.

Today is my 17th birthday but nobody seems to remember it, the people who would now be celebrating with me are either dead or too busy with their new lives.

Since the sudden death of my grandmother and my mother I have been in charge of my absent father and my current stepmother who does nothing but annoy me and fill me with insecurities, they make me feel like a burden, like the orphan daughter, the only one. That always gets in the way everything, even for trips to falialia like now, they left me even knowing that today was my birthday.

I plant my feet on the cold ground away from my thoughts I walk slowly and unhurriedly towards my bathroom, I turn on the shower waiting for the water to get hot enough to burn my skin. Without wanting to, I stare at the mirror with a wide view of my emaciated body, a product of not wanting to eat, my purple dark circles and my brown hair that is left on my shoulders gives me an air of carefree Without thinking twice, I immerse my slim body inside the small cuviculo, take the sponge and rub it hard all over my anatomy, leaving my skin with a slight redness. 《I suck, I have to be clean by the time we start again》 I tell myself in a slight whisper to myself At the end I come out wrapped in a red towel, the color of blood, my favorite color 《We will meet soon》 I say to myself, although it was destined to be heard according to me for my dead I go to the dresser that is next to my bed and take the scalpel that someone kept there in my little hands.

I approach it quickly to the veins belonging to my arms, without even thinking about it a second time I bury the sharp metal on my soft flesh, I slice this area feeling how a thin thread of warm blood begins to come out I try to hold the grimaces of pain with a sad smile as I write a goodbye note December 13, 2019 For who might care: Today it would be said that it is my 17th birthday. Today would be one of those days in which you meet with your family or loved ones and have a good time. But this today is so far from resembling even a little it only makes me laugh, yes meaningless grace. In my short time of life I have never had friends, not even when my grandmother and mother lived, I never had the opportunity to be sociable, I prefer to get away and see everything from a distance that I can say I was always more about looking than acting. to have any kind of sense when my mother and my grandmother died in that accident, my father and my stepmother did not treat me badly, in fact they did not treat me, they did not look at me, or say the word and when they did it was for some kind of dd evil for this and a million other reasons I have decided to end what one day started ... my disastrous life With lots of love: A suicide It was the last thing I wrote before I felt my hand fall and start to see everything in third person, the pool of blood on the desk and my lifeless body leaning on it with a smile on my face.

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