inspired by @santa.ana.winds - IWAOI

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Authors note: HEY EVERYONE!!!! I'm going to be writing these oneshots based off of haikyuu tiktoks I see. I will be asking permission from anyone if i want to use their content for inspiration. I am so sorry if you see any typos. Please correct me if you do and I will try to fix it but I cannot guarantee . Lets begin!

This oneshot was inspired by a video made by @santa.ana.winds on tiktok. go check it out and give her some love. If you would like to give me any ideas, my account is currently  @human.aneurysm on tiktok. feel free to tag or DM me!

Iwa POV: 

End of the night, at the Oikawa house

 I don't,  really know how I got into this situation, if I'm being 100% honest. Oikawa is out cold in his room and I'm sleeping over tonight, just like any other weekend. I hate to admit it, but he is my closest friend and I spend most of my time with him...- I'm going a little off track though. As I was saying, even though I wasn't the one drinking tonight, since I was chosen as the designated driver, its still a little blurry. 

Backwards Time Skip to the start of the night

Still Iwa POV:

"Hurry up Shittykawa!" I yell into the phone. "I'm on my way, Mr. Impatient!" He yells back. I hang up in his face and a few minutes later I see him walk down the stairs of his own house. He opens the door to my car and gets inside, closing it pretty hard, almost a slam. everyone in the backseat flinch from the sound. He turns to me and smiles widely. "Hey Iwa-channn~-Ow!" I slap him on the back of the head "For slamming my car door, dumbass" 

Once Oikawa, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki make it to the house address Oikawa gave me, he basically shoves me out of the car. He was sitting in the front with me, as always. Its just kind of a universal rule. We walk up to the door of the house and it swigs open. The person who opens the door looks really familiar. He has two black earrings in and I see his tongue piercing when he talks. "Aye! The rest of the Seijoh Third years are here!" He yells into the house. and everyone cheers a hello. I recognize everyone except for a few people who must be friends of friends or something.

A few hours go by and everyone seems to be having a lot of fun, especially Oikawa, who is 6 shots in, and absolutely fucked up. Hes screaming at the top of his lungs to the loud music and I can feel that something bad's going to happen if he continues how he is now. I pull him aside and start to talk to him "Slow down before you do something stupid," I say. "Don't be so controlling Iwa-chan~ what are you? my boyfriend or something?" I can feel my face get hot at that. "N-no! Shut the fuck up Shittykawa," I try cutting him off, but he keeps talking "And besides... a little trouble can't be that bad, can it," He winks at me, walking away. I'm not really sure why I got flustered at him like that.

I look up and see Oikawa flirting with a girl. The girl looks pretty uninterested and I can see a man walking up behind her. she gives him a hug and he asks whats going on. He seems to be her boyfriend. Oikawa seems to be getting pushy and obviously has no fear at the moment. I start to approach them before Oikawa gets hurt. I can hear him going on about how the girl is too good for her boyfriend. The girls boyfriend is starting to get obviously pissed off.

I am nearly at Oikawas location when I see him stumble back, falling into me as I catch him. I look down and see that hes completely stunned. I leave him down in a chair nearby and see the guy beginning to walk away but thats not going to happen. I start rolling up my sleeves as I approach the person who clocked Oikawa and grab his arm. He turns around and I take the opportunity to punch him as hard as possible in his face. He starts bleeding out of his nose but I'm not stopping. He is off his guard and I shove him onto the floor. I squat over him and begin punching his as hard as I can. Hes punching back and it hurts but I feel numb to that right now. I start bleeding from the head and I can feel it, but once again, i just don't care. I'm just as strong as him and hes worse off than me. 

"Iwaizumi!" I can hear Matsukawa screaming for me to stop. I feel a pulling on my arm and suddenly snap out of it. When I turn around, the person pulling at me makes me stop immediately. Oikawa lets go of me and stops pulling, holding my hands to help me up. "Lets just go home now," He says, as if he was sober. We are supposed to drop off The other two at home, but they decide to stay and will probably call a cab or something. 

We get in the car and once both doors are closed, I ask "Is your head okay?" 

"Yeah I'm fine... Wait, is Iwa-chan worried about me?~" I turn red and hit him in the back of his head. "Ow! Why would you do that?" 

"Well I don't know, you got us into this with your dumb drunk self," We started driving home in silence and once we arrived Oikawa is asleep. I don't want to wake him up or he will complain and go on about random stuff I don't really want to hear so come around the car and open his door, undoing his seat belt and hauling him over my shoulder. I have a bruise from that fight earlier right on the shoulder where I'm carrying him but I try to ignore it. I reach up into his back pocket and pull out a key with a small key chain charm of an alien on it. What a nerd. I put the key into the lock of his front door and take him inside the house and upstairs to his room. I lay him on his bed and got to his bathroom to get some rubbing alcohol. He got a cut on his face that will surely be infected in he lets it stay unclean. 

Once I find everything I need I go back to his bed and sit beside him. I start dabbing a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol onto his face and he winces, slowly opening his eyes. "Iwa-chan~ you're hurting my face" He says, half asleep. 

"Oh shut up," I reply. After we are both cleaned up, I get into the bed next to Oikawa. With anyone else it would be weird but I've known him all my life and they're isn't much room in his bedroom. "Iwa-chan?"

"What is it now?"

"You're the angel they sent that I asked for when I was little,"

"What?" I'm confused now.


"Go to fucking sleep,"

"Okay but one last thing,"

"What could it possibly--" I am cut off and he turns around and kisses my lips. 

"I think you're very attractive. Maybe even almost as cute as me!" I'm a blushing mess. What just happened? Oikawa just kissed me. And...I liked it? Yes definitely no doubt I liked it. 

"You too, Tooru" I reply. He puts an arm around my waist and lays his head on my chest. God, this is going to be a lot to unpack in the morning. What if its just the alcohol talking? 

I forget about all my worries for now and enjoy the moment as we both drift into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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