25. Jessie

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His bed was comfortable.

His brown mud color sheets on his bed were soft and furry. His pillows were big and soft with the white cloudy color they had.

I didn't meet anyone as I entered his room but chills were everywhere. It was comfortable... it looked comfortable, but this was all new to me. I have never just walked into a guy's room without the friend group knowing 85% about him.

His room being inside a very pretty egg white color walls as black frame pictures hanged above his bed, and around the room until it reached his gaming area. Another white door closed but it had art posters on it. The beautiful ocean catching my eye as it surrounded itself with other meaningful posters that I had no idea about.

The ocean one was the biggest, it looked like it had the most meaning to it but a brain like me would need a 30 minute explanation for it.

It looked powerful and beautiful.

Another door across the first one, seeming it was his closet.

His room was full of black and white. Art and colorful led lights from the gaming screen.

I was really on my own against learning about him.

I tried to act cool about the math homework but the hairs at the back of my neck went up as he sat right next to me. I thought he was gonna lay down like me but just sat at the end of his bed.

His right knee bend to support his right hand as the other one was under him.

I felt shame as my cheeks felt red.

His body daring my thoughts under his white shirt.

We had like 3 pages at first. We finished 1 and a half.. and we had 1 and a half left.

I'm stuck on this fucking ass problem and it's harder than my future.

I have been staring at it for 10 minutes straight without making it obvious.

I tried to get the other sheets out. Staring at each one every 3 minutes so when I turn back to the main one I'm struggling on, he wouldn't notice.

He did. After trying to get the answers from other notes.

I saw his dark chocolate brown eyes land on me, then my paper, then back at me again.

"Are you gonna admit orrr?" he laughed. I looked at him and tried to play it cool.

"No" I sounded like such a child and made a note to beat myself up for it when I'm back home.

He looked at me with the brightest eyes a human being is ever capable of.

"why not" his eyes glanced at my paper again with a soft smile.
He looked like he could mess around with me until the day he dies.

"because I'm not" I smiled at him thinking he's gonna stop staring at my eyes but he didn't.

"Are you gonna stop anytime soon" I said looking at my paper.

"oh sorry..." His voice sounded like it was immediately not okay with itself. Like he just caught himself smiling at a girl like that and it wasn't okay. Like he just passed his boundaries.

He looked at his paper but then I could tell it reminded him that I was stuck.

He came closer as his eyes glanced at mine.

A 3 second awkwardness before he started explaining it.

His words trying to explain but his body was so close I got distracted. I swear this guy isn't even real.

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