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         "So....I SAW YOU AND AUSTIN KISSING!" i blurt to Becca. her face turns red. "yeah, it was just a...a....kinda heat of the moment thing, i swear we arent dating." she says. i wink at her. "Babe?" Danny calls. i jog down stairs to where Austin Danny and Paul are eating pizza. "Hmmm?" i ask smiling. "You wanna walk Paul home with me?" he asks. "Its like midnight Danny, why dont you just stay here Paul?" i ask. "Nah, i miss my bed." Paul says. i shrug. "Yeah i guess." i say.

            We drop Paul off then Danny smiles, intertwining his fingers in mine. "Bridge?" he says. i nod and smile, leaning into him. it had been months since we have sat talking on our bridge. we make the 2 hour walk and he smiles when we reach the bridge. the moons bright, the water high. we sit down and watch the water strream over the rocks. "I miss this...i miss us....i miss you." i say looking up at my boyfriends face. he's hard to read. Pain, or sadness on his lips. his eyes dark blue, peering into mine. "i want you to promise me something." he says finally. "Anything." i say. "promise me, you'll love me, and stay with me nomatter how far away i am." he says. a couple tears escaping his eyes. i reach up and whipe them away with my thumb. "Danny, i promise you. im not going to leacve you. i love you." i say. he smiles and pulls me down, closer to him. i cuddle into him. i missed this.

              i wake up in the morning wrapped in Dannys arms. somehow we had gotten home last night. i had fallen asleep listening to danny sing. we were still at the bridge when i fell asleep. i take note that we are in Danny's bed. i take in the scent of him. i'll only have him for two more days. i cant believe it. i sigh and stretch a bit trying not to wake him. "You up?" he asks suddenly. "yeah... how'd we get home?" i ask. "I called Austin to come get us." Danny says kissing my lips quickly before getting up. "I'm gonna go shower." he says. i nod.

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