i. happiness

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happiness is a curious thing
i often find myself
trying to define

when we eat
something delicious
and umami overflows
to spill against our tastebuds
with a dash of hope --
of realization --
that maybe the world isn't 
so hopeless after all

when we walk
with someone we love
talking about our
daily happenings
our struggles
and worries
and we laugh
at the demons that prevent
what we perceive as

when there is rain
that hits the ground
with the soft pitter-patter
of tiny feet
and trickles down 
your cheeks and nose
as your raise your head
and let the sky's
blessings fall 
onto your skin

after i cry
and brackish tears
have already dripped down 
the sides of my face 
onto my calloused palms
as i cup my eyes
and wish that
life could have meaning again

after i see my own reflection
and curse at myself
at my puffy red eyes
at my quivering lip and
trembling limbs
at the marks my nails
leave in my hands
at the picture of you
i can't seem to get out of my head.

is this happiness

does the moment in which
everything else passes make
the world
jubilantly alright

i have yet to discover my truth

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