How you met

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A/N: I'm not a massive fan on this preference, so I apologise if it slack. Also for this Smaug is a skin changer. Requests are always open!

Bilbo~ You met Master Baggins on a warm summers day in the market. You were picking up some groceries for your grandparents, and getting yourself a drink at the same time, when another hobbit accidently ran into you. He apologised almost immediately. You smiled, telling him that it was alright. You then noticed that it was Bilbo Baggins, "I'm Bilbo Baggins," he smiled. You giggled slightly, "I know, I'm y/n y/l/n, pleasure to meet you Mister Baggins." He nodded his head appreciatively, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance too Miss y/l/n, I hope to see you around." Picking up your basket once more, you replied kindly, "You too Mister Baggins."

Thorin~ You met the dwarf king in Bree

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Thorin~ You met the dwarf king in Bree. He was at one of the local taverns that you worked at. You were a half-breed, a mix between a dwarf and a human. Your features were of human kind, but your height and stubbornness definately came from your dwarf heritage. Your eyes spotted the cloaked dwarf almost immediately, curious why he was in a human town. Said dwarf yanked off his cloak, sitting, rather majestically, down at one of the tables nearer the back. You almost fainted in disbelief, Thorin Oakenshield. Your father had fought with him at Moria, the day that Thror and Thrain were killed. You were determined to find out what he was doing here, and if you could be of service. You brought him what he wanted, and it seemed that he was just as confused as you were, what were dwarves doing in these parts. Once he seemed settled, you went and plopped down opposite him, "So what is a dwarf doing in this part of Middle Earth?" Thorin cast his eyes up toward you, "I could ask you the same question." His deep voice send shivers down your spine. You cursed yourself for being so weak to deep voices, "My mother was a human, my father was a dwarf." You cringed lightly, you never used to say that aloud, "A half-breed," he said thoughtfully. You weakly put your head down, before quickly raising it again, "What of it?" His eyebrows raised, "It's interesting, I've never met one before. You work here I presume." You nodded, "Aye that I do, but the real question is what is Thorin Oakenshield doing in the world of men." Thorin's eyes widened and you smirked, admiring your knowledge, "I don't see how that is a concern of yours," the dwarf king said rather darkly. You were taken aback, but answered none the less, "I'm a dwarf, I believe that I should know." Your voice was determined and you saw a small smile on Thorin's face, he was smiling at your stubbornness. After pushing him to wits end, he finally told you. You felt the colour drain from your face, you were suddenly afraid for him. "What's that," Thorin's rough voice suddenly whisked you out of your trance. You looked down, your fingers brushing your dagger. "My mother was skilled with a blade," you then whipped out your dagger, "This was hers, I trained, and now I carry it with me to remember her." Thorin softly grinned approvingly, "Indeed. You are a remarkable dwarf." Your cheeks heated up, you didn't get complimented very often, at least not in that field, "Thank you," you paused, "May I be so bold to ask something of you." He leant back in his chair, "Go on." You swallowed hard, "I was wondering whether you would take me on to go and reclaim Erebor. My father wouldn't have hesitated to go, so I will do it for him. If you'll have me." Thorin looked quite taken aback, but he sat in thought for a minute, "I suppose that another member to the company wouldn't be a burden, not if that person was skilled with a weapon," he smiled at you. A grin of victory bloomed on your face. Thus your adventure commenced.

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