Ch. 1

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You started your day as any other, with your alarm blaring in your ear. You groaned, annoyed, and shut it off as you rolled out of bed with a dull thud. Getting up slowly, you trudged over to the kitchen and started making your coffee, your back aching from your fall. A few minutes later and you were out the door, cursing at your foolishness.

You were late! And this wasn't even the first time, in fact, it wasn't even the second time, or third, or fourth...

'Crap, my boss is going to kill me. Shit.'

In your haste you didn't notice the figure on the road until you were right in front of them, and you gasped as you slammed into them. They turned, and you vaguely noticed... oh who were you kidding you clearly noticed, their firm muscles and wide curves with tanned skin...

You stopped, blushing, as you noticed the woman looking at you curiously. In an attempt to overcome your faux pas you stuck out your hand, deciding to be polite. A pause, and you looked up, noticing that the stranger didn't even bother to accept your hand. She smirked, watching you, and your eyes widened in surprise, and some embarrassment.

"Well, aren't you going to shake it? It is only the polite thing to do after all."

"Ah, says the person who slammed right into me in the middle of the street. I see, I see." She raised an eyebrow, the expression irritatingly suiting on her proud face.

You narrowed your eyes and glared up at the woman, absentmindedly noting the height difference between the two of you. Something about her expression... you couldn't pin it, but she looked almost hungry, like a predator stalking their prey.

"Um, I am sorry about that," you admitted. "Now, if you don't mind I'll be on my way, I'm quite late by now..."

You began walking off, about to turn onto the next street, until you felt something grab your arm.

You blinked incredulously. "Seriously? I already apologized! You're that mad that I bumped into you?"

"Huh? What is this bitch talking about?  A low voice yelled behind you, and you tensed, prepared to fight. "Hurry up and grab her, I'm sure she'll sell for a good price."

You turned around slowly, glaring harshly at the men behind you. There were three of them, each ugly and hulking, meant to scare you, you supposed.

'Well this is a shitty day. First I'm late, then I run into a rude, but sexy, stranger, and now I've got these assholes trying to assault me. What kind of luck do I have...'

You ripped your arm away from the man who grabbed you and dodged as he transformed his hand into a knife and attempted to stab you. It was a villainous quirk, quite suiting for a criminal, but rather unsightly.

You raised your leg and kicked him as hard as you could in his crotch, stumbling slightly. Immediately, the two other men rushed towards you unarmed, fists swinging. You screamed, and grabbed the man on the right and threw him onto the other with as much force as you could muster. Unfortunately, that wasn't a large amount, and they quickly got up with matching sneers.

At this point, you decided your best bet was to book it. You were strong, sure, but your quirk wasn't suited for fighting, and there was only so much you could do against three grown men. You had never wished for your wings to be able to fly as much as you did at this moment, but you had to make the best of it. You willed your wings to extend, ripping your clothes in the process, and flapped them as hard and fast as you could. You succeeded in lifting a few feet off the ground, but soon enough you crashed back down.

You were scared. Your breath was coming in short gasps as all three men continued in pursuit of you. Oh, how you regretted your earlier confidence. What were you thinking, trying to take on three men at once? Now you were reduced to a pet bird struggling to fly. You gritted your teeth and flapped your wings once again, hope filling your chest as you began to rise into the air. A few more feet and you would be unreachable. Suddenly, you were jerked from the air, and this time it wasn't your wings fault.

Panic filled you and you screamed, thrashing against the grip on your ankle, but to no avail. You were pulled back down to the ground roughly, and someone wrapped their arms around you, holding you still.

"It's just me. Those guys are already down, I made sure of that. I'm not here to hurt you, baby bird. Shh shh, you're okay."

You blinked, and your body stilled. Hesitantly, you looked up and immediately recognized the stranger you had bumped into just minutes prior. Relief washed over you, and you buried your face in her chest, still shaking from the aftermath of the fight. You didn't even notice you were crying until now, and you quickly wiped your tears away, embarrassed at being caught in such a vulnerable position.

"T-thank you. For saving me that is. I don't know what I would've done without you." You swallowed nervously and avoided eye contact. "And sorry for... this." You gestured awkwardly at the mess around you.

The woman flicked your nose and chuckled, "Of course I did, silly, what kind of hero do you take me for? Oh? Didn't I introduce myself? Huh, I figured you would have recognized me. I'm Miruko, pro hero, rank 5, and who would I be if I left such a cute little birdie to fend for herself?"

Your eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, pro hero? That's um... wow." You blushed at your poor choice of words and mentally face palmed. 'Great second impression, y/n, just great.'

"Aww, speechless already? It's okay, baby, I know my presence can be intimidating." Miruko wiggled her eyebrows at you and winked.

You sighed, earlier adrenaline wearing off. "Hmm, sure, but I'd hardly say intimidating's the right word."

"Oh, would you prefer sexy? Unbelievably attractive?"

You rolled your eyes, wondering inwardly how the conversation had derailed like this. "Neither. Rude, for one, and a flirt for another. But also, I have to say kind, because you know you didn't have to save me. It doesn't give you any publicity or rescue points after all."

She blinked, surprised at your insight that was, sadly, accurate. "You're right, the hero industry is largely one big publicity stunt, but that's not me. I save people because I care, not for fame or money. Although I suppose that's what someone who does it for money would say. Ah well, I suppose you'll just have to trust me, cutie."

You frowned at her. "My name's y/n, not any of your little nicknames. Now, if you'll excuse me, I really, really have to go to work. But I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart for saving me. For that, I'm indebted to you."

Miruko hummed, tapping her finger against her chin, feigning thought. "Well then, if you're as indebted to me as you say you are, give me your number. I need to make sure you're safe, plus you're just my type, little birdie. And don't think I didn't see you checking me out earlier."

You looked away, biting your lip. 'I didn't think she'd seen that. I mean I wasn't really checking her out, just looking... respectfully.'

"Uh, okay. Here." You thrust your unlocked phone in her general direction, still avoiding looking. Your wings flapped softly behind you, betraying your nerves. You probably looked extremely stupid.

She took the phone from you, brushing her fingers against yours, and input her number, then yours into her phone. 'Were you really getting a pro hero's phone number right now. Was this real?' She handed the phone back to you, and you took it hesitantly.

Miruko grabbed your chin, forcing you to meet her eyes. "My name's Rumi, Rumi Usagiyama. My real name, not my hero name. I'll call you later, y/n, don't forget." You nodded, your cheeks burning, and she let go of your chin and walked away. As quickly as she had appeared she was gone.

'Well, I guess I should go to work now. Shit, that was one hell of a morning."

Miruko x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now