So Many Questions

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Taehyung didn't understand why his father yelled at him. He didn't understand how he was too young to be speaking of love. He also couldn't understand why his father stormed off after mumbling, "Always have to deal with these damn pests."

Pests? Are their termites or maybe those big cockroaches? Oh no, I hope I don't see one. Taehyung childishly thought.

          As he looked up from the ground, he realized his mother had also ran off after his father. She always followed him. There was a fear in her eyes when she would look back at Taehyung, not knowing who to be with.

        Taehyung rushed into the house. Walking past his father's study to get to the library. But, as he grew closer to the door of the study, he heard his parents arguing.

          "I understand that you're trying to protect him. But, he's a child. Children ask questions." His mother said.

          His father's rough steps could be heard even from such a distance. Taehyung knew that he was walking towards his mother, like a predator walking towards it's prey. He knew the way his father tried to intimidate everyone, especially his mother.

         "Are you questioning my decisions?" Taehyung's father spoke up through his teeth.

          "N-no. I just feel that he needs to learn t-to protect himself. After all he's our son. He's not just like any human. He's also the—" Taehyung felt a tap on his shoulder causing him to jump.

          "Young master, it's time for bed." Spoke up the maid that had startled Taehyung.

          "Ok, Mrs. Jung. And I told you already, I'm TaeTae not young master." Little Taehyung spoke with a wide grin.

          "Ok. Let's go to your room." Mrs. Jung spoke softly. Taehyung also heard her mumble something about his father "not liking it."

           'I don't think Daddy likes anything.' Taehyung thought. 'I hope Mommy will be ok." His mind trailed off, thinking back to the yard. He needed books, he needed to know what and why.

          'What is love? Why did it make Daddy mad? What was that bunny doing here? Why was it here?' He couldn't understand any of it. So he waited. He waited for Mrs.Jung to go to her room. He waited for the house to fall silent. That's when he would find his answers.

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