The Meeting

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Hello peeps~ It's not my first time trying to make a fanfic, I actually took my other one down since I had lost my motivation ಥ‿ಥ But I'll consider this as my first one, I got the motivation to post this one because of "In Another Life" A BokuAka fanfic and because of "Blind Kageyama UA". This one will be kind of like those. Feel free to correct me if I make any spelling mistakes and I hope you enjoy :D

Most of this chapter will be based of the first episode of Haikyuu.

That day, it was the day I met him.

He was short but he could fly. I've never seen something like this, I didn't want him to beat me. He and his team were so weak, what were they even doing here, why are the wasting their time coming to here knowing they'll lose. I have to beat them no matter what.

By the end of the match I obviously won. Someone like him would not have been able to defeat me.

~ Time Skip ~

It was my first day at Karasuno, I immediately went and looked for the gym. Once I got there I started practicing, I was about to throw my ball high up to serve it but my legs suddenly gave out and I fell.

Huh? What is this, I can't feel my legs. Why can't I move?

I started to panic but after a few seconds I could feel them again.

That was weird, but I'm practicing right now I'll worry about it later.

I got up and went back to practicing my serves. When I suddenly hear someone by the door.


Oh he's that guy, the one with the awesome reflexes, jumping power, and speed. He doesn't take advantage of those abilities at all.

"Oh your that guy from last year, what's your name? " I asked.

"M-my name is Shoyo Hinata!"

"How can I beat you if we're on the same team? There are way more successful schools you could have chosen so why this one? "

"I did apply, I just didn't get accepted"

"How? You're the king of the court!"


  I hear some people talking outside. I look over to them. After greeting them Hinata challenged me to a match. I served him the ball, it was such a bad receive the ball ended up hitting the principal in the face.

   "You guys are not allowed here until you learn how to act like a team!"

Daichi shoved us out the gym.

"This is all your fault!"

"My fault? You were the one who challenged me, and it's not my fault you still suck at volleyball."

"What did you say!? You stupid king of the court!"

  He is so annoying, I won't be able to play because of him.

"Hey, how about we challenge them to a match? "

I looked over to Hinata, a match? With him? How am I supposed to win with him? He is so useless he won't help, but if it's the only option I have I'll do it.

We challenged them to a match, after that we found some place to practice.

How am I supposed to win with him? His receives are awful, if I set to him he would not be able to hit it.

My legs they feel so weak, I don't get tired this easily.


   Huh? Oh I spaced out-

"I told you not to call me that... "

Was I imagining that? It happened this morning too, I could be imagining but I don't really know, ah what should I do?

We stayed practicing for a few more hours during those hours we encountered two new members. One was tall, there wasn't much about the other one though.

I went home after that. I took a quick shower, while taking the shower I checked to see if my legs had anything wrong, I checked for a bruise and everything but I didn't see anything wrong. Maybe I really was imagining it. I had some milk and went to sleep after that. I stayed up longer than I thought it was 11:38PM, I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about my legs because I'm pretty sure I wasn't imagining the time when my legs gave out and I fell, but I maybe was imagining the time when I was training with that idiot. I should really be focusing on the match though, I'm going to send all my sets to Tanaka, I can't count on that idiot for my win.

If this gets some views I'll try posting a new chapter everyone once a week, I'm actually trying to get the whole book done before posting it but I just wanted to try this out.

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