Do not read this poem...

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If you are reading this... I want you to stop; breathe take a moment, clear your thoughts and let them sink into mine.

Waltz through an empty ballroom of mirrors and shattered glass, the whistles of the wind howl  through the gaps beneath the doors. Those empty screams rattle around your head as you  clench your jaw.

They haunt you. Don't they?

Fading away into an endless dismay...

...Leave this place, its not safe here.

Darkness floods your arteries, as the distant hand surges towards you and firmly grasps your neck.

Allow your mind to leave your body behind; shed away that cracked shell. Let it fall behind you like the dried out petals of a dwindling rose.

You're dying... But your spirit lives on, I'll miss you when you're gone.  

Wave goodbye. Say goodnight. Turn out the light... Turn off your phone, leave me alone.

I am just a mere distraction, a consumer, a paradox.

WAKE UP! For this is only a dream. You are the founder of your own fait.

I'd hate for you to be late.

The sun shall rise soon. Stop staring at the moon. There's no hope for you here.

Your mind only wants to deceive you. What you are experiencing right now is manipulation. I have you on a leash; trapped here, in solitary confinement. 

Our thoughts come are like waves, they come and go. But they're never always      quite the same. I guess only you are to blame. Watering the same plant over and over again will not    produce a brighter flame. Disclose yourself, disembody yourself from me.

Leave this world behind. I'll snap my fingers. Now open your eyes. Walk away, go outside experience the light of day. 

And remember, thoughts come in waves.






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