Chapter 1.

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A little disclaimer: This story contains a little bit of mature content so read it on your own risk or you can skip the parts if you want.



"Yeah, I am on my way." Purvi says on the phone and drive the car toward her destination.

"I will text you when I get there." Purvi hung up and after a few minutes she parked her car in the parking of the coffee shop. She turn off the engine and sigh heavily.

Quickly, she pulled out the mirror from her bag and fix up her makeup before putting everything away.

Taking a few deep breaths, Purvi step out of her car and walk toward the entrance of the shop. She open the door and walk inside. Purvi look around confused and quickly text the person the get more information about her target.

'He is wearing black jeans and black jacket with white shirt. He is also wearing shades.' Purvi read the text and look around the coffee shop.

A ring caught her attention. She look over and saw a man dressed just like her target, coming from the back and went to sit on a table away from everyone. Purvi smirk and quickly straighten her black dress before walking toward him.

"I promise I will be there tonight after your husband leave for the airport. Alright. Love you too, beautiful." Purvi heard as the man says before hanging up her phone. Purvi anger raised hearing his conversation but plaster a sweet smile on her face.

"Excuse me." Purvi says softly and saw as the man look up taking her breath away. The man in front of her is totally handsome without any doubt. She feels jealous of the person who give her this task.

"Yes?" The man asked as frown when Purvi sit across him. He look at her as she put her bag and phone on the table.

"Sorry, but kya main apko janta hoon?." The man asked and saw as Purvi shake her head at him.

"Nahi. But I saw you sitting alone so I thought to keep you company." Purvi smile at him but behind that smile was something evil and the man understood that.

"Oh, okay. So, if you don't mind, can I buy you a cup of coffee?" The man asked with a smirk. Purvi put her elbow on the table and rest her chin on the palm of her hand.

"Sure." Purvi nodded and saw as the man call the waiter.

"One expresso and for her..." The man trailed off waiting for her to order something. Purvi smile and look at the waiter.

"One iced coffee with a slice of lemon cake, please." Purvi recite her order and saw as the man dismissed the waiter.

"So, what do you do?" The man asked Purvi. She look at him and give him a smile.

"I am a model." Purvi lied smoothly. The man nodded and leaned back on his chair.

"Model? But I didn't see you anywhere, I mean on internet or in fashion shows." The man smirk as he saw her getting nervous slightly.

"Well, the reason you didn't see me is because, I am an upcoming model. Do you heard her of famous designer Niharika Singhania?" Purvi asked him praying he know her. But then again, who didn't know about Niharika Singhania. She is the only 22 but married and as for right now she is the most famous designer in India. Purvi know about her hard work and struggle because Niharika Singhania is the daughter of her mother's friend.

"Yes, I heard about her." The man nodded. Purvi sigh silently in relief and continue her act.

"She is currently working on the wedding collection for her upcoming fashion show and I will be the shows topper." Purvi tell him lie and was mentally patting her back that he believe her when he nodded

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