Blame The Skateboard.

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“Okay, stand up and balance yourself,” Jonathan said, trying to balance his girlfriend on the board with wheels. It was the skating park and Jonathan had stole Afrom the buses, from the crowds, from school. He had to stole her so they could be together. He had missed her. She had wanted that she wanted to skateboard.

“I think I’m getting it,” she mumbled, slowly growing down the concrete small ramp. The wind was hitting her face, making her hair fly back as she balanced herself. It wasn’t easy. The adrenaline plus the fear of falling got to her, making her land on her butt and the white skateboard with a dragon go away.

Jonathan held his sides as he pulled a tight smile. He was trying hard not to laugh. “Hahaha, oh my god.” She was laughing. He chuckled before lifting her up. He placed her back on the white skateboard before balancing the flail girl.

“Maybe, you shouldn’t be riding a skateboard?”

“Maybe, you should ride this D,” she said, trying to prove that she could ride. She pushed forward before keeping her balanced. In fact, she kept pushing until it was going at a fast speed. So fast that she was afraid to stop it. She gasped as she rolled down the bowl, making her go faster.


“WILLINA!” Jonathan was right after her, chasing the slender girl. She wasn’t catching air, she was riding with it! It wasn’t long before she wasn’t in the park, anymore. No, she was riding along people, people who rushing towards their houses or getting lunch in the little cafe. She gasped as she tore through a large yellow banner.


“Sorry!” She shouted, too paralyzed to turn back. Random people just jumped out of the way to let her just pass and Jonathan was trying hard to run up and catch her but, he was just too slow.



She gasped and looked at the traffic in front of her. What would she do? If she tried to stop, her shoes and maybe, her leg will be messed up, perhaps even broken. And she wasn’t about to toss her body to the dirty sidewalk and hurt herself. The traffic got closer, louder, and more threatening. She wasn’t ready to die.

“Ah!” It was dark and she felt a hard thud. Her body became rigid and frozen. She slowly opened her tightened eyes before looking at the skies. It was getting dark.

“Is this heaven?” Willina asked, in a state of bliss. she got up and she say people walking past her. “I thought it was full with hotter boys, at least.” Suddenly under her, a groan before a hoarse laugh. “No. I saved you.” He got up, lifting her up before looking at his skateboard, in pieces on the street.

“Oh man. I got that for Christmas.” Jonathan said, scratching his head and mourning over the lost. Willina sighed and mourned too. It wasn’t her fault that she couldn’t control it. At least, that’s what she thought. “I will walk you home.”



Last night, he didn’t talk to her. At all. Not even a text. Willina smiled as she walked up to the Asian boy before tapping him. He turned around, slowly before grinning at her girlfriend.

“Well, look, I’m sorry but, here.” Jonathan widened his eyes as he stared at the creation in her hand. It was slick black skateboard with black wheels. It was nice and had a nice little white bow at the top. He smiled and admired it. “Whoa! This is so cool! You are so awesome.”

Willina blushed and blushed even harder as he hugged her, firmly. She laughed awkwardly before smiling goofy as he left. He was a rosy pink face while his ears are red. He quickly placed it in his locker before bouncing back up, looking at her softly. He didn’t know what to do, now. He shifted on one foot to another one. She was counting the spots on the floor.

“Wanna to hold hands?”

Willina smiled before reaching out and holding his warm hands. And in hand and hand, they walked down to their classes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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