Chapter 1

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I walk out of Starbucks with a 'White Chocolate Mocha' in my right hand as thoughts about the boy I met just then in Starbucks tackle me. There was just something special about him. Something different. And unique. He was just, something about him made me want to talk to him more. He was just so interesting. I knew there was so much behind his face. So much depth. The way he spoke told me everything. Just from that 'sorry' he said to me when we bumped into each other. But, how often do you meet a stranger again? Let alone date them. It was just, something about him just gave me the urge to know more. 

I shook those thoughts away as I headed towards my car. I put my hand in my back pocket to get my keys when I realise they aren't actually there. I searched everywhere but I still couldn't find them. Well, this is going to be eventful. I went back into Starbucks and saw him sitting there... alone... sipping his drink.

A lady and came up to me and asked me what I wanted to order. 
"Umm, hi there, I was wondering if anyone had dropped any keys here that you may have picked up," I said.
"No sorry."
And with that. the lady walked away and just as I was about to leave, the guy, the handsome guy, walked up to me and held up some keys. 
"So I'm assuming this might be yours," He said with a smirk.
"Y-yes, thanks." I said blushing
"What's your name?" He stopped me from walking and asked.
"I, I mean, my name is Grace. Grace Lavender. What about you?" I replied stuttering.
"My name's Shawn Mendes. Nice to meet you." He said and put his hand out for me to shake. I was cringing so much in embarrassment at that point. There was an awkward silence between us until Shawn broke it by saying, "Well, I'll see you around Grace."
"Bye." I walked away but still, I couldn't get my thoughts about him out of my head. What a special guy. Girls must crush over him everyday. No chance, Grace. Do what you want... But you'll never get there.

So I went out to my car to see a beautiful single rose sitting on the windshield on my car. Next to it lay a note that said, It was nice meeting you. I hope to still see you around Toronto. Text me once you get this if you want. My number is **********. Love you gorgeous. And then next to all that writing was a love heart and the love heart itself was already so sweet. Mixed emotions fill my stomach but I still managed to drive away with a smile on my face, possibly even a smirk. 

When I arrived home, my mum was at the door talking to one of her sisters on the phone. She waved and smiled and I smiled back as I walked into my house with my Starbucks. I was trying to play it cool so that she wouldn't get suspicious. I mean, she isn't that overprotective mother anymore. It's just, sometimes I like to save the deep emotions for only myself to know. 

I jumped onto my bed and got out the rose I was hiding under my coat and the note he wrote. I added Shawn to my contacts  I took off my phone case and slid the note underneath. Thank God my phone case isn't see through. I messaged Shawn and said, Hi I'm Grace, the girl you met at Starbucks today. And as if that wasn't enough for me to message someone I barely even know, I added something after I sent that that said, Thanks for the rose. You didn't have to do that. I appreciate it though. I added a smiley face next to that like he did with the note he left on my car. I hoped he had his read receipts on beacuse I hate it when it isn't on and I message people not knowing if they read it. If they don't reply after a while, it makes me feel as if they are mad and aren't replying or just ignoring me. I know it's quite random but it's just a pet peeve of mine. I put my phone down and go and take a shower because today was exhausting. 

I walk out of the shower so refreshed and I felt great in my pyjamas. I quickly blowdried my hair and then went to check my phone to see that I have two messages from Shawn. The first one said, Hi, sorry about the late reply, I was showering. And the second one said, Haha, nws it was my pleasure. And yes, he did have his read receipts on. Again, quite random but, that's me; random. I then replied with, Hi, sorry about the late reply too, I was also in the shower xD. Wow, so much in common. I was kind of tired of texting and I wanted to hear his voice so I just called him.

Shawn replied on the second ring with a short reply, "Hi Grace, how are you?"
"I'm great thanks."
"Why did you call me?" He asked, trying to not make it seem rude so he added a laugh in the end. I was so starstruck by his laugh I could barely talk but I at least managed to get out a few words.
"I was tired of texting, and, yea..." I said and I had to add in a laugh because that was just the lamest excuse. 
"Hold on, let me call so you don't waste your credit."
"No it's fine, I just got my cr-"
"No I want to," Shawn said cutting me off and I could tell he was smiling from the other end.

Shawn ended the call and instead of calling me back, he just FaceTimed me. I'm totally fine with that. I mean, who wouldn't be fine with the fact that a boy you like wants to FaceTime you? Wait, do I like him? I can't. I mean, I just met him. Maybe the feelings were just in the, you know, 'Friendzone'. Either ways, I coudn't doubt the fact that I do kind of... You know... Like him.

Shawn and I FaceTimed for about an hour or so until I told him I had cheer practice. He offered to give me a ride and I told him it was alright but again he said, 'No, I want to'. Sometimes I just feel bad when everyone does something for me but when they do, it makes me feel great. Have I mentioned that I liked gentlemen? Someone who offers to do things, someone who will open my car door for me. 

We ended up deciding that we'd go get starbucks... I know, again... and we'll meet there and then he will drive me to cheer practice after. Cheer starts at 3 and it is 2 right now so I think we still have time to sit and talk at Starbucks. Shawn and I spoke about random things, things you wouldn't usually talk about. Like, I once brought up something about my stuffed animal I've had since forever and we spoke for a while about stuffed animals. We have the most weird and random conversations. We were in Starbucks for about forty-five minutes and then we had to leave for cheer.

We arrived at my cheer place and Shawn decided to stay and wait for my three hour practice. He said he'd be on his phone so it wouldn't be bad so I just agreed and went in. Not to mention, he opened the door for me. What a gentleman! He was so sweet. 

I went in and stretched for class. I couldn't stop thinking about him in cheer practice though. I did everything I had to but for example, when I was doing straddle jumps, the name 'Shawn Mendes' kept running through my head. The weird thing is, you would think when you are in 'love' with someone, you wouldn't be able to concentrate. But strangely for me, it made things a whole lot better. So maybe I was meant to meet Shawn. All my jumps and everything was better. Even my coach, Larrisa said so. That made me feel so good. I was just watching the time go by so that I could tell Shawn about everything... Unless today was just my lucky day...

Cheer ended and I was so sweaty after everything we did. We did a lot of tumbling this week so that pretty much got me exhausted. All of a sudden, I just got all shy around him and I coudn't even get a word out. Plus, I thought if I did tell him about cheer, he'd think I'm too clingy. So I think I will just keep quiet about it now.

The ride home was literally us jamming along to loud music. Our car was probably actually the loudest, annoying some people so maybe we should have just put the volume down a bit. Or at least kept the windows up... But Shawn and I couldn't resist the urge to jam along to our current jam, 'Classic' by MKTO. Before we knew it, we were already home and I have to admit, I was quite down but hey, I'll see him soon. Shawn went over to my door and opened it. Wow, what a gentleman, I thought. 

I went in and as soon as I checked my phone, I received a text messsage from Shawn that said, Thank you for the great time. Hopefully we'll get to hang out some time soon. I was glad he enjoyed hanging out with me... Although the majority of the time was spent with me being at cheer practice. Well, I think he enjoyed that. I quickly messaged him back saying, No thank you! I enjoyed  hanging out with you. Sorry about the long cheer practice wait hehe. I enjoyed today, myself. The summer breeze and feel was just my sort of day. Having him there was a bonus. Shawn texted back saying, haha no worries. It was SOO fun sitting in the car for 3 hours haha. But I did enjoy having Starbucks with you! I smiled and with that I texted him back saying, Well, I have to go to sleep now so I'll talk to you later. Goodnight. Shortly after, he sent a text saying, Goodnight gorgeous. Shawn was so sweet and such a gentleman. I smiled and I soon fell into a deep sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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